Sunday, May 31, 2020

What Month Is It?

We've officially been on "Corona Break" for over 2 months. Wondering what quarantine looks like at Chez Cohen? It looks like this:

upset that his "babing suit" was wet

goatee booboo

It looks like this:

We put the kids to work:

We have moments like these:

And we have moments like these:

We're pretty easily entertained these days:

May 20, 2013

May 20, 2020

(They eat ALL the time!)

We have moments of creative design:

origami we made from a Grandma gift
creative outlet

We have moments of physical activity:

Super Cohens!!!

Apparently, Spencer's legs weren't too short; we were putting him on the wrong vehicles!
This has been sitting in our garage the whole time, and now he can ride like a big boy!!

playing human Chutes and Ladders in a neighbor's driveway

Speaking of physical activities (!), we were gifted an amazing bike seat that attaches to the front of my bike for Spencer to ride on and join the big guys on big rides. He LOVES it!

We'll just pretend that I was doing the
photography safely while not operating
any moving vehicles containing 2 lives.
And also, don't try this at home...

We have educational opportunities:



At some point in May, "school" was over. "School" has looked quite different these last 3 months, and now it's time for summer "break."

We have lots and lots of family moments of togetherness:

Pre-pandemic, we had been
watching the construction of a brand
new 7-Eleven right around the corner
from our neighborhood. It turned out,
construction completed when we
stopped watching. So we walked over
to give ourselves a quarantine treat.
(worth wasting 5 minutes...)

There was that time that "the children's hands" made quite an entertaining smoothie:

Lots and LOTS of togetherness...

Lots and lots and LOTS of togetherness...

When they group together and beg, "Mommy, can you please take a picture of us?!" - Is there a way to say "No" to that???

We have continued bonding with Grandma and Grandpa.

"Book Buddies"

Batman stickers mailed from Florida

Despite establishing my rule of "No hospitals during Coronavirus," Spencer still managed to bust his head open on a bed corner, earning him 3 staples in his scalp and a Boo Bear from Grandma and Grandpa. Luckily, 10 days later, he earned a popsicle for sitting nicely when the staples came out of the beautifully healing skin.

In other quarantine news-

Ethan got a new (to him) desk in his room.

Gabi was allowed out of lock-down.

Big Spenceman got some big boy underwear and learned how to keep them dry!!!

Wondering what potty training looks like at Chez Cohen?

He sure figured out quickly how to wear his underwear in style.

(Bribes helped.)

What does quarantine look like? It looks like finding creative ways to still connect with each other. It looks like a virtual bris/baby naming:

It looks like virtual Havdalah:

Many days, the children take over the technology, and it looks like this:

Eventually, they tire, and the house gets calm and quiet.
interpretive retelling of The Hungry Caterpillar

And then, at the end of the day, we have these friendly felines who will take anything left they can get.