Sunday, March 10, 2019

Howdy Houston

March in Texas means Texas Independence Day and lots and lots of Rodeos in just about every major city. For our family, it almost always means heading to Houston to join Team Cohan for their Livestock Show and Rodeo fun.

Of immediate importance, though, was that big 2-year-old Spenceman did not have to stare at the back of a chair for 3 hours and got his car seat turned around for the first time in his whole life for our Friday evening drive. He LOVED the new view.

When we arrived, Ethan showed off the outfit he specifically chose with Jacob's former shirt and Jacob's former hat. The bromance was alive and well all weekend.

Aunt Sandi's awesome rodeo outfits bought for my kiddos last year were the gifts that kept on giving! And once again, Spencer was super ready for the adorable cousins' picture first thing upon arrival. Yeehaw!

We snuck in a side entrance and walked straight into some very friendly cows waiting for some love.

Rodeo shenanigans ensued from there:

Friendly and hungry animals were waiting for us at the petting zoo. For the first time all morning, Spencer let me put him down and attempted to enjoy his cowboy self.

Cowboy Ethan was perfectly comfortable doing his thing.

It was hard to tell if Jon was friendlier with the animals or if the animals were friendlier with him.

Jacob attempted to turn the llama into a cowboy.

And the rest of us enjoyed our time with the animal friends as well.

Next, it was time to visit Fun on the Farm to bring out our littlest cowboys' and cowgirls' sense of adventure.

Is anyone tired yet? (And this was all before lunch!) We headed back inside for pony rides!


We took a break to refuel and get some lunch. The kids' energy definitely responded to food. (And I was grateful for another few moments of happy Spencer out of my arms.)

Ethan got jealous of the Spencer cousin love...despite weighing twice as much.

With renewed energy, we attempted our traditional family pictures by "the barrel." With the exception of Gabi clobbering Ethan during the cousins' pic, they came out pretty well!

After lunch, we spent some time on many fun carnival rides.

Back inside for sugar and our annual rodeo cinnamon buns!

This peaceful moment brought to you by miracle worker Aunt Sandi who got the toddler to sleep in the stroller.

We explored a little more of the livestock show adventure before putting the exhausted kiddos out of their misery and calling it a great day.

This guy was impressive.

I'm just grateful that our niece and nephew granted us time to shower later that night before special aunt/uncle time at Dairy Queen!

After a pretty cranky Spencer day (I know the few pictures I took of him suggest otherwise; just trust me), he snapped happily after bath and continued the happy streak the next morning.
Funny company helped too.

His brand new, 1-of-a-kind Super Spenceman shirt and cape, filled with his favorite characters and superheroes, handmade for his birthday by Aunt Sandi and Mira helped with some immense happiness as well.

Our last adventure took us to the elementary school playground.

Back at the ranch, we had 3 calm kids who were grateful to have their toys back and grateful for the fun family weekend, excited to return to Houston for the next fun trip.

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