Sunday, March 31, 2019

March 2019

Happy March! We'll start the month as all good months should start: Dress-up Havdallah (with Team Gilden)!

when Havdalah turns into trick-or-treating

I guess she had worn too much clothes already.

After months of waiting for his turn at attention (because he certainly never gets it otherwise), Ethan celebrated his half-birthday on March 4! He chose decorate-your-own ice cream cones as his special treat. Happy 4.5!

I guess Ethan certainly had Purim on the mind this month:
Let it goooo; let it gooooooooooo...

Ethan is starting to sound out letters to read!
He is taking much pride in reading simple
decodable books, and I take much pride in
watching him blossom.

Gabi started taking Taekwondo lessons this month. She was very excited to receive her super official-looking uniform.

Right before Spring Break, Kindergarten celebrated Texan pride with Cowboy Day! They paraded around the school and then performed for an easily entertained audience.

with Mrs. Kisselburg

In other Gabi fun-

And also, I found these pictures on my phone. I'll just leave these right here for ya.

2-year-old Spencer is quite the character. He's quick to laugh and quick to let you know you're wrong. Super fun.

Got milk?

He has some mad Duplo skills! (without any help)


Because they work so hard during the day,

even superheroes need their rest.

Spencer finally learned that if he wanted to ride his "bike," he was going to have to wear his new "moo moo helmet" gifted from Gigi for his birthday. And he really wanted to ride.

Have you ever seen a
cuter frog tush?
It really doesn't take much to get this guy to smile
(presuming you do not ask him to smile in front of strangers).

This boy tells some great knock-knock jokes. You'd have to be able to understand him and understand this family's bizarre sense of humor to think he's hilarious, but it doesn't take much to think he's cute.

I've been a mom over six years now and am in the process of raising 3 babies. But yet, this was the very first time any of my babies had any ear infection, and Spencer got stuck with 2 simultaneously. Apparently, it hurt. Thankfully, with a lot of Mommy (and Daddy) snuggles and some antibiotics, the goofball bounced back quickly.

(not normal)

Taking on Mommy's love of soccer:

March 20: Nana's birthday, first day of spring, AND free cone day at Dairy Queen!

Towards the end of the month, we found an ever-entertaining remote-control air show!

More March Mommy Moments:

(We do like our ice cream...)

Team Cohen March moments of zen: