Monday, February 18, 2019

Remember the Magic - Hollywood Studios

Morning 3 in Florida: We walked to breakfast the "usual way;" Mira had her sugar cereal as usual; but this morning, Mira upgraded the experience.

As we embarked on Day 3 to Hollywood Studios, we were reminded that it's more than just the rides that make visiting Walt Disney World special - it's the experiences. We did ZERO rides that day, saw tons of shows, and had tons of memorable and special experiences. (You may also notice that Mira "let" me wear the duck butt hat, opting for "Minnie ears" in her hair, and Gabi went for "Goofy ears.")

As we waited in line to sign up for the Jedi Training Academy, we were visited by some Storm Troopers looking to turn us to the dark side.

Once again, when Gabi said, "I want a picture here!" I said "How high?"

Entertaining myself and her mother while successfully annoying the preteen before watching "For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-Along Celebration."

Our lunch took us to Toy Story Land, newly opened just last year. We ate at Woody's Lunch Box and had fun Gabi photo ops, but the ride lines proved too long to do anything else there.

We went out of our way to spend time at Pixar Place to meet the Incredibles at special request from Ethan. We joined them for a street dance party.

Mr. Incredible



(This collection would have cost close to $150.)

It was finally time to participate in Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple. I watched as Mira and Gabi trained in the ways of the Force and bravely put their skills to the test against the Dark Side.
marching towards our training site

The young Padawan apprentices were challenged to use their new skills when they came face-to-face with one of the notorious Star Wars villains - Kylo Ren.

Mira fought confidently with great power!

Gabi was hesitant and nervous at first, but she found the Force within and defeated the evil warrior.

Disney World came with many many daily opportunities to meet many many princesses and characters. We chose to meet the ones that didn't take a crazy amount of time to wait for. And we got lucky with Olaf!

Nighttime was arriving in Hollywood Studios which meant it was time to head towards the Fantasmic show. It also meant thousands of other people were heading there, so we got there early and had to entertain ourselves once again.

Two of us enjoyed the musical entertainment.

She loves me.

The end of Fantasmic featured a boat full of some favorites!

Conquering Hollywood Studios - check!

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