Saturday, July 14, 2018

Cool Casey Cohen

When a neighbor posted to the Facebook group about needing to rehome a sweet, declawed kitty due to her son's allergies, I had an inkling she could be a perfect fit for our family. The family had called her KC for 'kitty cat.' We debated and decided to keep the name but change the spelling to "Casey." She came home on a Thursday evening and started learning about her new house and family.

Any cat that allows my toddler to be this close shows a LOT of promise.

She spent the first day in Mommy and Daddy's bathroom to get comfortable before we exposed her to the chaos of the larger house.

observing our new kitty (who was
"Seashell" for the first 12 hours)
Spencer began adorably kissing at all our
kitties as soon as we brought Casey home.

After the kiddos were in bed, Mommy went in for some snuggles.

Nikki stood guard outside of the bathroom to try to figure out what was going on in there.

When Daddy came home from work that night, he went in the bathroom to meet our new baby girl.

Nikki and Maggie have been phenomenally relaxed with newbie, which I'm thrilled with. Over the first few days, Casey - who was not used to other kitties - came out to explore and hissed slightly when crossing paths with her new sisters. While the kitties learn to co-exist with each other, we remain very optimistic that Casey will love being a part of our family as she continues to grow more and more comfortable and in love with us all.

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