Wednesday, May 4, 2016

First Day of School

Somehow, Gabi and I have both survived each other for over 3 years. I loved (the actual art of) teaching, and I love being a stay-at-home-mom, but I have/had no intention on "homeschooling" Gabi. She's a brilliant little learner who asks thoughtful questions, analyzes the stories she reads, thinks about words and the sounds that each letter makes, etc etc etc.

We have had 3 years of wonderful play dates, learning social rules of sharing and taking turns. We go to the YMCA a few times a week getting her used to be dropped off and spending time away from parents. BUT it was time for my little sponge to start 'real school' with a consistent teacher, time away from Mommy, peers her age, and all the other glorious exploration that she'll be able to do. We found a great half day program that she'll attend 3 mornings a week, and it was finally time to start!

Getting a little excited the night before:
no pants, no problem!
outtake including her lunch list

Gabi walks into school like she owns the place. Ms. Linda shows her where to hang her stuff.

She gets busy right away; gives goodbye hugs; and she's all grown up within a matter of seconds!

Now, what do WE do with ourselves?

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