Wednesday, January 1, 2025

A CohGil ChaNEWkah Year's Eve

The CohGil Chanukah Party was planned for the 7th night of Chanukah, also coinciding with New Year's Eve. Plans were perfect, until Uncle Craig decided to get COVID after their weeklong vacation cruise. We were able to regroup virtually and make some sweet lemonade from COVID lemons. We lit candles together.

We opened presents together.

We played virtual Chanukah BINGO using some pretty awesome video filters. Even Daddy got to join the fun from the airport!

We indulged in NYE ice cream together.

The next morning on New Year's Day, it had been an absolutely unbearable amount of time since these bonded cousins had been together, so the adults decided outdoor time together could work. Finally reunited!

And in conclusion, there were many many screens watching the UT playoff football game together that afternoon so that we could still experience the moment together and protect our health simultaneously.

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