Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Misc. December 2024

As is all other months that end in -y, the concluding month of 2024 was busy. Here's the rest of what happened.

At the end of Thanksgiving break before Mommy returned from Atlanta, Spencer was motivated to start trying to ride his bike without training wheels. They started by working on balancing without the side wheels that he's accustomed to. Big brother Ethan stayed right alongside him as quite the supportive cheerleader.

Misc. CohGil Time this month:

Speshover in the fort

Gabi had a winter orchestra concert:

Fifth grade had a "December Around the World" music program:

Ethan and Spencer each started their winter basketball season this month and participated in an unofficial scrimmage right before we started Winter Break.

Elementary School had a "Snow Day" this month:

Spencer with Liam and Forrest

Ethan with Liam

Someone from the neighborhood was giving away this doorway pull-up bar. It might or might not be a good idea.

Speaking of questionable ideas, we got another cat (introduced in an earlier post)! We're back up to 4 cats and 5 four-leggeds. Things were much calmer throughout the month as time went on and everyone adjusted to Squirrel's presence.

Find all four felines.

How many 4-leggeds can be entertained by one laser toy?

Team Cohen bonding moments caught on camera this month:

not happy about how close in height she is

date to see "Wicked" in the theater!

When it's Saturday morning, Daddy is recovering from an overnight shift, and Sesame Street on a tiny screen successfully entertains the three "big kids."

Nana and Zayde returned to Texas!

Sweet Spenceman got the strep plague this month.

Another kid bites the dust:

In conclusion:

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