Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Team Cohen Circus

18 months ago, before the pandemic hit our world, we were a family of five 2-legged creatures and two (*ONLY TWO*) 4-legged creatures. Some families may think that 3 kids and 2 cats are enough of a circus. Even still, a few months of pandemic later, I found myself in San Antonio picking up fluffy orange kitty Dewey. Then Rona the hamster came on in. And in January, we brought in the craziest of them all - our very first puppy, now 65 lbs of love - Reggie. 5 humans and 5 other animals. Quite the circus indeed. Cue the deep breaths.

Let's just say I knew this "Team Cohen Circus" post was coming from the slew of pet pictures taken over the last couple of months. And yet - stay tuned to find out how the 4-leggeds outnumbered us this month in true circus style.

Sweet girls Maggie and Nikki have endured all of these new additions.

I am so very proud of brave 14-year-old Maggie who has put up with all of this chaos and stayed true to our nightly bed snuggles.

In August 2021, we
acknowledged our 1-year
Deweyversary with this nudnik.

This gal causes more stress to the
humans and other 4-leggeds than
anyone else, and yet, we love her.

Poor Rona is usually the punchline at the
end of people learning about our circus.
"And do you know about the hamster?"

Reggie's not perfect, and we certainly don't have the time to train her as much as we should. And when she's not in full-on beast mode, she's a sweet sweet pup.

product placement

And that's how we were learning how to get on - just the TEN of us - until...

UNTIL - Earlier in the summer, the Gilden crew brought in a sweet beautiful 1-year-old, kitty to round out their family. They called her "Bri," inspired by the Hebrew word for health, briyut. Unfortunately, Bri and the other 2 Gilden kittens didn't get along. At. All. After multiple attempts to rehome her to a calm new environment, we all decided to try her here at the circus. And much to their surprise, it worked! Welcome Brianna Cohen to the circus. We love you, and we're sorry.

With 11 (!) mouths to feed, there are very few dull moments around here. Cue the deep breaths.

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