Tuesday, December 31, 2019

December 2019 - The End of a Decade

While I recognize there is some mathematical and scientific debate about when the decade *officially* ends, I'm going with the milestone. In the past decade, all three of my kids were born; I bought 2 houses; I moved across the country to Texas; I left the profession I was educationally trained to do to take care of my tiny humans; I rejoined the work force in a part-time capacity, using my brain space for good; I joined the Board of Directors at our synagogue. We look forward to the next decade which will hopefully be filled with more simchas than sadness and more laughter than tears. And please please let my patience last me until my children move out.

Perhaps the biggest news of the month was that the two oldest kids started riding their 2-wheel bikes with no training wheels!

We got into the holiday spirit a little early with some friendly driedel practice.

I am grateful for the relationship between each of my children. They are different and special. And these two brothers are in a category all on their own:

Team Cohen getting alongly-like:

Perhaps, if Spencer got his full nap in his crib, he wouldn't have to look like this:

Instead, Spencer could spend his days looking like this:


It's a good thing we bought him blankets. And pillows.

I'm sure neither of these behaviors should be encouraged.

Some Gabi sweet moments:

Always the artist, Gabi can't let freshly baked
cookies cool in any conventional way.

Gabi practiced some early geography skills when
putting together our new puzzle from Chanukah.

We continued Nana and Zayde's tradition of celebrating New Year's Eve with some yummy ice cream. Happy New Year to all!

Sunday, December 29, 2019


The kids were on Winter Break from school. Joey's parents were distracted potty training his sister. So I packed up the party bus and headed on over to Driftwood to spread the winter love with Nana and Zayde.

Gabi took good care of Joey in his parents' absence.

Mommy/Ethan selfie

If there was a blog post in Driftwood, and you didn't see random pictures that Ethan took, would you even believe it was complete?

enjoying freshly made cinnamon buns from a kind, generous neighbor

Chanukah - Night 4:

Joey and Gabi (with Nana's help) play a rousing game of Battleship, gifted to Gabi by Nana and Zayde the night before.

Later in the day, the crew plays a rousing game of Sorry, gifted to Ethan by Nana and Zayde the night before.

Joey's turn to play his gifted game of Dinosaur Memory

Chanukah - Night 5:

Nana and Zayde gifted the kids a Lego theme night, and everyone got straight to work.

Chanukah - Night 6 AND Shabbat:

That night, we opened craft presents from Aunt Mandy, Uncle Mitch, and our Boston cousins.

The rest of Team Gilden joined us for the weekend, and these two toddlers were back together again.

definite wackos

Team Cohan joined us just in time to light candles for Chanukah Night 7.

Aunt Sandi made all the kids brand new, super awesome cape shirts! Team Cohen's shirts say "My parents think they're in charge. #IMTHEBOSS" with a Gator cape on back.

One more day of family togetherness:

All children had been busy busy busy making (or requesting) all sorts of creations with our newly gifted perler fusion beads.

Grandma and Grandpa sent these 3 their very own smart watches. Boy, were they bouncing off the walls with excitement!

Lighting the full chanukiot on the 8th and final night of Chanukah:

Some people change their New Year's wishes each year. Mine remains that same that each year can be beautifully and positively inspired by the lights shining from the candles and spirits and smiles around them.