Saturday, April 11, 2015

Passover 2015 - Exodus to the Land of Georgia

We have enjoyed many years of traveling to Atlanta for the entire week of Passover. This year, we did it again, taking Ethan on his very first flight! I calculated that Gabi had been to 7 states by the time she was 7 months old, and poor deprived Ethan hadn't left Texas. Well, we were freed from slavery, and traveled with 2 kids for the first time! We were gone for 10 days, had wonderful valuable family time, and ate a ton of very very yummy food - yes even on Passover!

(Day 1)

Ethan's first flight!

Daddy figured out which child required less energy and made the switch.

On our first night, it's time to search for ALLL the chametz in the house so we can get rid of it before Passover begins.

Zayde reads the blessings before we begin, and Aunt Susan
holds the candle to light our way through the house.

Gabi finds a piece of chametz in the living room.

Ethan and Aunt Syssa enjoy the activity together.

Ethan finds some chametz to pass to Gabi.

Gabi puts the chametz in the bag.

(Day 2) By the next day, our Boston cousins have arrived, the weather is lovely, so it's time to play outside!

Sammy plays with a car.

Gabi plays with a car.

Uncle Mitch plays with cousin Noah and Gabi.

It's time to help Zayde burn the chametz that we collected the night before:

The three cousins get ready to watch the fire.
Look at the cuties holding hands--->

Meanwhile, back inside the ranch...

playing with cousin Daniel

Uncle Mitch puts Ethan on top of the kitty tower...

COUSINS BATH!!! Time to scrub up before the 1st seder.

This cutie is very excited about his very first Passover! (or at least his Mommy tricks him into taking cute pictures to make it appear so...)

These cousins are dressed and playing nicely, waiting for the seder to begin.

Glimpse from the 1st seder: (Somehow, only gentlemen were pictured...)

Cohen boys giving away smiles

Cousin David copes well with me throwing an infant in his lap.

Uncle Mitch, cousin Sammy, Ethan, and Daddy

(Day 3)

still in the Passover spirit!

Ethan watches cousin Noah.

Aunt Sandi's turn for fun with the kiddos! She takes a selfie with Noah and plays nicely with the others too.

We were very sad to be missing 2 cousins (Mira and Jacob), and somehow we still couldn't get all kids looking at the camera at the same time. They were sitting very sweetly with each other though!

traditional pre-2nd seder group shot!

Team Cohen family shot

Mike and Sandi

Boston Kayes

Team Gilden

Sweet cousins Gabi and Noah work together to help light the candles. As you'll see, these 2 had a great night with each other!

The camera did a better job at capturing family togetherness the 2nd night!

Zayde and Aunt Syssa

While the rest of us smile, Ethan eats Aunt Susan's hair...

participating how she can

Daddy and Gabi

Aunt Sandi and cousin Daniel

Nana snuggles with Ethan before bedtime.

Mike, Sandi, Ethan, Daniel

Aunt Sandi stalls Gabi as she's waiting for her dinner:

As mentioned earlier, these 2 cousins shared some very very sweet moments together. They played; they danced; they hugged; they kissed. I wasn't choosy about which ones to include on the blog because...well, because how can you choose between cute and cute?

Time to search for the Afikoman! Is it still where Zayde left it? They found it, hooray!

(Day 4) After 2 late nights, we all spend some extra time in pjs in the morning.

Daddy plays with Noah and Ethan.

Can't stay inside all day. Gotta get a little bit more outside family time before some family heads back to their homes.

We loved spending inside time playing with Gigi, Aunt Sandi, and cousins: 

Gabi (and all her cousins) are so lucky to have such an energetic and healthy Gigi to play and read with:

(Day 5)

Which seems like the more appropriate toddler activity, the picture to the left or right?
(Would you believe the silly game was 'shooting' peanuts at the zoo animals???)

Ethan's turn to play with Gigi!

The frog headbands never cease to entertain!

(Day 6) Reading the newspaper before all worldly toddlers, of course.

(Day 7) We found a great elementary school playground by Nana and Zayde's house!

(Day 8) A boy can't ever get too much Nana cuddles...or Matzah Farfel...

(Day 9)

Business Socks! No shirt, No shoes, No problem!

Ethan plays catch.
Ethan shows off his early crawling, stomach off floor!

Gabi's always been a fan of 'playing' with Nana's kitty Tani. See Fig A.

Gabi and Ethan take their first bath together without a baby tub:

(Day 10) Phew! We had a great visit! Time to fly on home.

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