Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 2015

April was a fun month! We spent 1/3 of it away from Texas with family, and the parts that we were here were great. We had more lovely weather, and while it's starting to show signs of Texas warmth, we were still able to find lovely ways to enjoy the outside.

Big boy Ethan is at a fantastic age where every day, he visibly progresses more and more. He doesn't care what the books say, he's moving; he's moving NOW; and he's moving fast. He can get into anything; spill anything; eat anything. We're in for fun at the Cohen household! (Baby Gabi was sitting up, playing nicely like a still innocent angel at this age.) Here are some Ethan milestones in the month of April:
  • a 3rd tooth!
  • babbling the consonant sound /d/
  • clapping (with fist closed)
  • sitting up with 100% stability
  • real crawling with stomach off the floor
  • getting from crawling to sitting position
  • holding hands out, expressing want to be picked up
  • pulling up on ANYTHING, no matter what kind of surface it is
  • crawling up a small step

happy Ethan on April 4, 2015

All these new things in just 1 month:
getting happy and showing it
pulling up
crawling wherever he wants
(with guest appearance by Allison)

Might I have mentioned 'eat dirt' as one of his listed new accomplishments???

How about pouring out cat water?

My (short-lived) days of 'relaxing' at the playground while Gabi plays nicely are certainly over.

'Baby-proofing' is a made-up concept, developed by people
who think babies can't outsmart their parents...

Ethan and his baby friend Will:
Yes, Will is a month younger than Ethan.
Yes, Ethan is pictured wearing Will's hand-me-down clothes.

First for everything! Ethan sits up by himself
in the shopping cart. (Apparently, second kids don't
get the sanitary cart cover.)

Ethan pulled the unicorn. Then the unicorn came
down to kiss him. He liked it apparently.

Butt up is still the
preferred sleeping position.

Recreating some love...

This is copied from Gabi's 9-month post in October 2013:

Go Lewis and Clark Pios!
(Uncle Craig's alma mater)

Mo' Aunt Mor from MO please!

Looking cute in Aunt Syssa and Uncle Craig's
gift from their Costa Rican honeymoon!

Other Ethan fun from the month:

shopping with Daddy

shirt made from Aunt Mor with love

most likely pooping...

Mommy and Ethan went on a lovely stroller walk one day.
We enjoyed the sights of the neighborhood including this
friendly squirrel who let us say hello!

This month, Ethan starting munching on some foods he
could hold himself.

Mmmmm, broccoli...
with an attitude!

holding a banana for
the first time

just couldn't make it home from
the playground awake

Gabi is a super fantastic kiddo. She is 2. So there's that. But she's also 2 and so much fun. When we don't want to strangle her, she is the most fascinating, sweet creature! She can be very polite with sweet manners and is saying "May I please" and "Thank you" more and more without prompting. She also has an extreme meltdown if she can't find Bear's pants. She will scream if you suggest that she wear the wrong shoes, but she will give you the sweetest hugs, kisses, high 5's, and 'bim bomps' (fist bump). Gabi can play remarkably independently, inventing her own games and activities and socializes very sweetly with her friends as well, taking turns and sharing toys. We are also extremely pleased and grateful that her picky-eating streak has FINALLY started a downhill slope, and the variety of foods she'll try and eat is increasing nicely. (Should I not have said that out loud???)

Gabi's inner monologue has yet to develop, so every little thing she observes, she describes. She asks incredibly thoughtful questions to help her make sense of the world. It is interesting to listen to her understanding of what goes on around her. She picks up on new songs quickly and still loves singing her favorites that she's known for a while.

She doesn't usually like when she knows the camera is video taping, but she actually let me get these 2 treasures as a sample:
recently upgraded from 'crinkle crinkle'
My favorite parts: 'nex time no el-mono p' and 'whine and z'

Gabi's food palate has certainly
increased in variety!

feeding Baby Doll with her body

super cool lady with her sunglasses
(while signing 'I love you!')

painting egg on the challahs

Gabi got her first mani-pedi this month! I was really impressed with how still and patiently she sat and waited for the polish to dry.

lunch date with Daddy :)

outfit by Daddy :/

We went back to Hop N' Happy where Gabi is getting much more confidence with her motor skills, and she climbed higher, jumped further, and dared more than I've seen her do previously.

Big girl wasn't close to doing this the last time we went. I'm pretty proud! (And she was proud of herself too!)

As these 2 siblings grow up, I will continue to enjoy watching their relationship develop and blossom. Ethan watches Gabi closely, giving her smiles, coos, and laughs. Gabi actually enjoys when Ethan is getting positive attention, tries to help feed him, is helping him learn to speak and sign, and can't go to sleep without a hug and kiss from her brother. While developmentally appropriately testing her control and boundaries (i.e. putting the kitchen rug on Ethan's head and then smacking it...), they really do love each other.

Some videos of getting alongly-like:
pushing Ethan on the swing
Tot Shabbat success!

While Daddy and Mommy share a love for ice cream and frozen yogurt, we were proud of our kids' accomplishments this month:

Peer-pressured Gabi decides to
join the family clan and get her
first own bowl of yogurt!

Ethan got his first TASTE of yogurt!
(which practically turned into
his first own bowl...)

happy day at the playground

water table and bucket fun

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