Saturday, January 31, 2015

Rest of January

Gabi's 2nd Birthday was exciting, and we had a WHOLE month of fun in January in addition! Gabi and Ethan both continue to grow and change daily. Gabi's language includes verbs and more descriptive words. She's working on counting and colors even though she's not always 100% accurate.

2015 started out chilly, so Ethan and Gabi dress warmly and responsibly:

Since Gabi was about 18 months old, the nighttime routine has included going on the potty. She has expressed interest and desire and is successful about once a day. While we are still far far far from being "potty-trained," it appears that we'll have success soon with Bear. Everybody poops.

This next section of the post is dedicated to my picky eater of a daughter. She can be frustrating to feed and keep healthy, but this month, we discovered the excitement of "dip dip"!! Sometimes, she enjoys dipping foods that adults may find "normal" as in soy nuggets in ketchup...and then at other'll see:

carrots dipped in chummus

peanut butter cereal dipped in ketchup

bagel dipped in ketchup

On January 4, this handsome baby turned 4 months old. He continues to giggle, play, coo, and explore. He is particular about which toys he'll hold and only holds them a short bit. He spent most of the month trying REALLY hard to roll from his back to his tummy. He got sooooo close many times. At his checkup, he measured 25.75" in length (58th%) and weighed 16 lb, 9 oz (62nd%).

And then one afternoon on January 10th, it was icky weather outside, all four of us were home, the camera was upstairs with us, so this happened:

When designing these blog posts, I enlarge certain pictures to highlight the "extra" cute or significant pictures...there were just too many to choose from this time. Difficult times...Word for warning though, you're in for cuteness overload:

Check out this big boy sitting up tall and proud!

Gabi, too, apologizes for the unhealthy doses of cuteness.

the newest lineup of allstars on TEAM COHEN!

FIRST time on a swing! (4.5 months old!)

a swing pro!

Family time at the playground:

Baby Doll time at the playground:

January in Texas. Digging in the sand barefoot and jacket-free. Could be worse.

In their own little people way, these two really do love each other:

Grandma and Grandpa bought us a wooden Shabbat set, and Gabi just loves it! I know we're doing something right when she knew exactly what to do with each piece.

lighting candles

cutting challah

drinking grape juice

More EXTRA-LARGE fun to make sure you can really see and admire the details in the cuteness:

More moments captured in January:

How does your Monkey do Target?

With 1 baby and 2 kitties on my lap,
I was grateful Nikki and Gabi
had other places to nap that day.

story time with Bear and Panda

Mommy-Ethan selfie

Gabi jumps in, and Ethan photobombs.

I win for Best Mom.

Brave Brook

hanging out at the mall with Nora!!

Mommy and Daddy sneak away for a date lunch. Cheers!

See you next month!

You may prefer the month's videos spread throughout the post. Oh well.
I forgot how irresistible baby giggles are.

Gabi makes a duck friend.

This month, Gabi started building more
creatively with blocks instead of one
tall tower of single units.

Take that, gross motor delay!
Ethan loses the bath sling.
what Gabi wants for lunch

Ethan LOVES jumping, and Gabi likes being silly. Keep watching for the
special sweet moment at the end.

dinner dancing

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