Thursday, November 27, 2014

November 2014 (for lack of more creative title)

Here's all the fun Team Cohen had (and recorded) around home in the month of November.  

In Ethan's 3rd month, he mastered the smiles, charm, and coos to attract anyone passing by. He is a great conversationalist, and participates nicely in 1-on-1 discussions.  His neck control is incredibly strong as he masters tummy time.  He can also track you all over the room as he watches from a distance. While Ethan sleeps well at night in the crib, this spoiled baby demands to be held for all daytime naps.

a great hippo shirt given to
Cohen babies from Aunt Sandi
before Gabi was even born

(just a cute picture)

rockin' out in his Ocean City shirt
bought by family when his family
couldn't participate in the vacation

Here, Ethan models some great Gator clothes given by good friends, Jared and Marni.

I'm sure this is the recommended way to do tummy time, right?

"Good morning, everybody!"

A little sample of the budding conversationalist:

Gabi's language and vocabulary continues to be her most noteworthy area of growth. She can not only repeat anything, she can describe her observations and thoughts with impressive toddler detail as she works to make sense of her world.  Her memory, recognition, and attention span continue to grow as well, and we are so fascinated as we watch this little genius develop before our eyes. Like her brother, she too has read all the books about how she is supposed to act and certainly tests her boundaries, demanding control of most situations in her mischievous, sneaky 22-month-old way.  With that being said, however, she remains a delightful ball of fun, helps put her toys away, and can never be accused of not having personality. She gives us daily smiles and laughter!

a gorgeous girl on a gorgeous day!

The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house All that cold, cold, wet day.
  I sat there with Mommy. We sat there, we two. And I said "Wait a minute, There IS something to do!"

We were really grateful for a weekend visit from Aunt Mor! We didn't capture too many pictures, but we had a great weekend together (despite the icky weather outside).

Some good family togetherness captured on camera this month (most of which doesn't require explanatory captions):

We went pottery painting. Gabi got messy.



You should see her now with any alligator or
football. It's even better than the video.
"Go Gators chomp chomp!"
Because isn't this what all 2.5-month-olds do?

Probably my 2 favorite videos from November:
showing off her latest moves
Bluesy Baby

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