As I've reflected in past months, Gabi's language continues to blossom and impress us daily. She is putting 2 and 3 words together to make short sentences. Her vocabulary and pronunciation is quite expansive and accurate. She puts nouns together to show possessive (as in "Daddy shoe"). It is mind-blowing and so exciting to watch her grow and develop! She also has some cute phrases that we clearly must repeat often like "I got it" and "Where i'go?" Gabi continues to sign and speak many words that she learned first. This little lady is phenomenally delightful with the most charming, funny, and magnetic personality 85% of the time. The rest of the time....she is a toddler who completely understands what you're saying and does the exact opposite to show some independence and control. These are very frustrating moments; we just don't capture those moments in pictures.
With today's digital technology and a camera almost always around, we got some great pictures and videos to capture and share:
My picky eater daughter strikes again! This time, she munches on an apple. (For those who must know the truth though, she adorably and happily played with the apple for a good minute so I could take deceiving pictures for her fans but then gave it back and spit out the peel.) |
Gabi has loved the park by our house since we moved into this neighborhood, and now she can climb up the dinosaurs by herself!
Our friends, Kelly and Allison, gave Gabi this great T-shirt, and she wears it well!
5 weeks old and kicking tummy time tush! (And check out his shirt to match Gabi's shirt above!) |
Gabi's cousins, Mira and Jacob, came to visit us for the weekend! (with Aunt Sandi as well)
Believe it or not, this was Gabi's first paint brush experience! She was a pro. (too focused to smile) |
goofy cousins at the mall play area |
climbing on cousin Mira |
This could very well be our first semi-regal picture of the 2 new sibs. |
Some cute Gabi moments for you captured in video:
Not only does Ethan rock tummy time, but he can rock simultaneous selfies while doing it! |
Gabi and Daddy read stories together in her big girl bed. |
I rock my first outing to a store with 2 kids. |
Gabi LOVES doing tummy time with Ethan! If she hears the word "tummy" or sees us putting a blanket on the floor, she runs over screaming "TUMMIES!!" and assumes the position. Ethan, who isn't always the biggest fan of tummy time himself, hasn't figured out how he feels about the company in such close proximity.
Spotlight on Ethan Robert! Those very wide and alert eyes have gotten him much attention in the less than 2 months since he's greeted us, and we just think he's the cutest baby we know!
Having these 2 little ones around can be stressful, but boy, are they cute! (Somehow, my mom and I survived my upbringing...)
Pause now from some more videos:
you're a second born.' | hanging out with big sister. |
For about a week, Gabi decided she wanted to sleep in her big girl bed. She said "Night Night," took her 'motzetz' (pacifier), and went to sleep beautifully. Then she decided she could get up and out of her room and come get us and not go back to sleep. Then she decided to stop napping. Then she decided that wake up time was 3:30 am...Then, WE decided she may need a TAD more time in the crib. We ALL got more sleep as a result, but it was cute while it lasted:
And then Halloween fell upon us. While we are waiting until next year to introduce her to Trick Or Treating - though it seems like we're the ONLY parents of a toddler Gabi's age who are waiting - we still put on some costumes and got into the fun of the season:
Our little superhero! |
(This might be why you can expect to see the results of big girl's first haircut next month.) |
Our little pumpkin! |
One morning, Gabi decided to wake up at 4:30 for the day. Then, Gabi decided not to eat breakfast (but push me away and spit her yogurt instead). We made it to a playdate (to try to make lemonade out of the mess), and I arrived with 2 sleeping babies. Ethan woke up when the car turned off but just needed to spit up all over my shirt so that he could pass back out in my arms. Eventually, we were still able to have a great playdate and then I made more lemonade out of my lemons with a great lunch date with my 2 babes!
By November 4th, Ethan Robert was officially 2 months old. He has read all the development books and sure enough, he is beginning to make great eye contact, coo and gurgle in sweet conversations, and sometimes we can sneak in a smile or two! Ethan has fantastic neck strength and head control, and he has continued to roll over from his belly to his back, despite that being a crazy advanced feat for such a little one. At his checkup, he measured 22.5" in length (24th%) and weighed 12 lb 13 oz (61st%). Here are the "blanket pictures" you all know to love and expect.
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