Sunday, June 26, 2022


After finally getting the whole gang together for Passover a few months ago, we decided to do it again but without all the pomp and circumstance. Our car was one of the last to arrive, and most didn't even bother going through the house. They just ran straight to the back and joined the party in the pool.

Being Noah's birthday on Sunday, we enjoyed special treats and activities every day! We started with cake and cookies. (Puppers got salmon skin, something for everyone.)

The next morning began waaaay too early, even as the sun was still trying to rise.

sure hope someone was in charge

Back at the ranch, we kept the party going with a bounce house borrowed from a friend.

All the bouncing got us warmed up and ready for the pool - rinse and repeat.

After some afternoon rest and relaxation (which looked different for different folks) -

The karaoke machine came out, and the party kept on popping!

medley of goodies

"Let It Go"

"Total Eclipse of the Heart"

"Bohemian Rhapsody"

"Don't Stop Me Now"

Just when you think birthday party weekend and whole family get-together fun had been fulfilled, everyone 7 and up had the opportunity for a sunset swim, followed by a poolside movie night.

Uncle Jon's back may have hurt the next day after the time with his nephews.

(Jon paid SOME attention to his own children...)

It was finally dark enough to see the movie on the screen! Let the show begin.

Ethan was so proud of his FIRST night swim at Driftwood!

Gabi stayed just like this the entire time.

The next morning, the pups were once again in charge of the stroller walk. Seems fine.

Next, small kid bounce time!

That time, Reggie served as Nana's footrest...until I went around to take a picture, so she sat and smiled angelically.

To "shake things up," we took a field trip down the road to the neighborhood shared pool that most of us had not ever explored.

There was debate about whether this new friend was a dragon, sea monster, Loch Ness Monster, or...?? Either way, he/she/they/it was quite popular!

fun to play with, but tricky stay on

Apparently, I had a pattern.

Back at the ranch - chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool:

Afternoon ice cream party!

Rinse and repeat - back in the pool!

Turns out, Spencer can swim!

🎵 "So many kids in the house, so let's turn the sound UP! You know why? I think it's time for a grandkid round up!" 🎵

"final poses!"

Last morning, last chance for bouncing!

The end of the weekend togetherness was near, AND there was certainly time for more swimming.

Definitely more treats, especially for Noah's *actual* birthday!

We said goodbye to our Boston family, and then it was just us Texans left.

Time for Cohgils to say "See you soon" to Mira and Jacob - Micah was napping - before it was time for our caravan to head back home.

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