Friday, December 11, 2020

A TCDC Chanukah

Just like most preschools "these days," we had our seasonal holiday party at TCDC. It just so happens that - unlike at most preschools -  it was an appropriate holiday party that related to 100% of the participants.

We began the festivities by building edible chanukiyot and edible dreidels, using graham crackers, banana slices, pretzel sticks, white chocolate chips, marshmallows, and Hershey kisses. YUMMM!

After the construction, it was time for snack!

We had been practicing this song at "Music and Movement" in anticiation of our upcoming holiday:

After a calm break from the snacking excitement with a Sammy Spider read-aloud, we brought the energy back up with a rousing game of "Pin the Star on the Shamash!" (gifted by Grandma and Grandpa) With a blindfold on, each player spun like a dreidel before trying to place the star flame at the tip of the helper candle.

real time

hyperlapse with audio enhancement

Ordinarily, I would have planned a Chanukah party full of rich experiences (and treats) alone. However, thoughtful Grandma and Grandpa sent wrapped presents for all 5 party participants to continue increasing the Chanukah joy, much to the children's elation (ON TOP of the generous amount of presents they sent their grandchildren for the other nights AND the shamash game we had already played). The painting projects will certainly add rich experiences to the rest of our Chanukah's week of fun, and we're very grateful that Grandma and Grandpa included all TCDC babies in their love.

We ended (the photographed fun of) the party with a challenge to see how many dreidels we could spin at the same time - which meant, how many dreidels could Debbie spin at the same time before another kid knocked them over in their little-fingered attempt to spin a dreidel?

Chag Urim Sameach! Don't let the light go out.

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