Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Thirteen Years of Wedded Stuff

In Judaism, 13 signifies the age when someone matures and is respected as a full, participating adult member. 13 is the number of days of "Yom Tov" (holidays) in a year. 13 is the number of attributes of God. Some people consider 13 a superstitiously unlucky number, but it seems that Judaism and our faith would beg to differ. Having recently reached the point in life when Jon and I have been together longer than we have not, we certainly are in it for the long haul now.

It was time to celebrate the milestone, and thanks to some great Gilden babysitters, we embarked to remind ourselves of the Old World concept of a "date." We found a forest, a movie screen, and some take out. It felt so great to spend quality time together, laugh, and enjoy our celebration (albeit a few days early since Jon would be working on the night of 11/18).

What was the rest of the crew up to that night, you ask?

To increase joy on our actual wedding anniversary (in a day-friendly, kid-friendly way), we enjoyed bagels and lox for breakfast, a Cohen favorite. Even with my picture-taking obsession, I did not feel that the moment was truly picture worthy, though certainly delightful. These kiddos disagreed:

In honor of our marriage reaching B'nei Mitzvah age, I got an inspired gift to adorn our front door.

Happy Anniversary to us!

Gabi decorated the white board for us.

And apparently, we dress alike now too...

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