Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day

With much anticipation, "the battle for the soul of our nation" arrived on November 3rd. Months and years of frustrating news and hopeful alternatives had the chance of turning into something positive. Our calendar reported that we had "NO IDEA" that day. (That's an ironic piece of amusement since big kids' school was cancelled.) We decided to mark the day by going on a "walking field trip" to our neighborhood polling location at the park down the road. 

Friendly neighbors across the street - trying to keep themselves distracted as well - begged us to take some donuts off their share table. Who were we to say 'no' to such an offer? Sugar always helps stress and anxiety.

Jon started an educational activity finding letters and colors in all the political signs. And then it turned into a game of chase Uncle Jon.

It was time to head back to the house for lunch. These little legs sure got their exercise.

Back at home, Ethan read an entertaining book called "Vote for Me!" aloud to our TCDC clan.

That night, Gildens returned for some homemade stress-pizza. (Adults are unpictured because...adults weren't feeling pictures...)

I was thoughtful and intentional about my shirts on the day of the election in addition to the 2 days following. Unfortunately, it was going to take more days and more shirts for the answer we were waiting for.

I tried one more shirt, hoping for the best for a tough moment in our country.

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