Flat Stanley is a character in a children's book series that tells the adventures of Stanley Lambchop who was flattened by a bulletin board while sleeping. As a flat child, he turns himself into a kite, slides under locked doors, and most importantly, discovers he can visit friends by mailing himself in an envelope. Ever since, Flat Stanleys of thousands of children have been taken on adventures far and wide.
During a summer when days can seem mundane and repetitive, we certainly could use any excuse for an adventure. We've been reading Flat Stanley adventure books; we decorated our very own Flat Stanleys; and we took our Stanleys on great adventures. AND THEN, a neighbor offered Ethan's Stanley an adventure of a lifetime! (Read on.)
On our first morning together, we strapped the Stanleys to us, and took him on a breezy bike ride on a hot day.
Stanley ate with us.
Stanley enjoyed his first Havdalah at Chez Gilden.
Flat Stanley met Grandma and Grandpa during Book Buddies one night. It turns out he loves listening to his own books and any others as well.
Stanley's first out-of-Austin adventure took him to Driftwood for a day at the pool.
Occasionally, Flat Stanley joined Ethan's virtual learning.
More Flat Stanley fun:
Flat Stanley met Lego Flat Stanley.
Flat Stanley's first (virtual) Tot Shabbat
AND JUST WHEN YOU THINK FLAT STANLEY'S ADVENTURES COULDN'T GET ANY MORE EXCITING THAN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD IN NW AUSTIN, there's more!!! An amazing neighbor offered to take our Stanley with her family on an epic trip through the southwestern United States from Austin to California and shared all of his adventures through notes and pictures. Here are several highlights of his journey with Miss Mary and fam:
Dear Ethan, It's really dark at 5 in the morning-- did you
know that? The moon was huge! The Duncans seem nice,
and I think it'll be cool to see the Wild West. We're eating
breakfast in a big yellow moving truck. We'll be driving
for 12 hours today, so when you're eating dinner, I will be in
New Mexico!
Have a fun day at school!
Your friend, Stanley
Dear Ethan, We're near Lubbock Texas, and it smells really
bad here. I don't know why but maybe you do because you
have a computer?
There are lots of windmills here and even
something called a solar farm which is a really funny name
to me-- I wonder if there's a solar farmer dude running it? I
couldn't get a picture of that because it looked like a big
shiny nothing through my camera but I bet you
could Google it.
Your friend, Stanley
Dear Ethan, Sorry I didn't write last night-- so much stuff
has happened, and it's really cool here! We stopped at a
crazy store/gas station/restaurant in New Mexico that
was like Buc-ees, but weirder! I found a souvenir
keychain with my name on it--too bad I don't have keys.
Did you know that in New Mexico you can do
fireworks every day if you want? (Did you see
me on the giant box of fireworks? Miss Mary
said it looked like a Where's Waldo picture!) |
We are driving on something they call
Route 66-- it looks like a regular highway
now, but used to be like the coolest
fun highway across half the country.
I remember it from the movie Cars.
Last thing we did that I took a picture of was go through
some mountains that make the Continental Divide.
I'll write later when we are stopped in Flagstaff, Arizona!
Hi Ethan! We stopped at Walgreens for
something, and I saw these cool cards. It
reminded me to say Happy Birthday!!!
This is from the Petrified Forest-- they
swear it's wood but felt like a rock to me!
Also it was 108* today here.
I also went to Montezuma's Castle, which was
super cool. It's an Indian village from like a
million years ago built waaaaay up high on the
side of a cliff! I hope you had a great birthday,
and tomorrow, I'm going to the Grand Canyon.
Your friend, Stan (because of the keychain)
Dear Ethan, We are leaving the Grand Canyon now, and it is really really big! I mean, like the pictures don't even show it at all- really really cool.
Dear Ethan, Today we drove forever across the Mojave Desert to get to California. I wish there had been a cool dude to take my picture, but there wasn't! Can you believe it?
Here's a blurry picture because we could not stop the truck--
We were driving in the Mojave Desert for about 4 hours, and it was very boring and hot. This picture shows the very southern part of Death Valley National Park. It sounds like a terrible park to me-- bet they don't have any soccer fields or swings, just sand and rocks. I didn't see any living animals this whole time! Can you imagine driving for 4 hours and never seeing a bird or a bug?
Hi Ethan, We are driving up through the Central Valley of California and have seen orange groves, grape vineyards, and some orchards of trees they I think were walnuts. It's been really hard to take pictures along this highway.
This is the packaging plant for Halos!!!
I love them!! It smelled kind of orangey too.
Here's my friend I made as we drove by.
I named him ETHAN!😃
Dear Ethan, We're on our way to the airport! Can't wait to be back in Texas. I've never been on a plane before! I don't have to wear a mask. Miss Mary and her family do, but because your mom laminated me, I am all good! Here is a picture of the Sacramento airport-- there's a giant rabbit in the terminal! (in case you missed it)
Your nervous friend, Stanley
Dear Ethan, Good morning from rainy Austin! I had a really fun time seeing the Wild West, but I am glad to be back. Miss Mary said she would let me wait on the porch whenever your mom is ready to pick me up, but there's no rush. I can't wait to see you again, Ethan! Your friend, Travelin' Stan
And it turned out, Flat Stanley had a belated (unnecessary) birthday present waiting for Ethan on Miss Mary's porch. The boys were thrilled to be reunited, and it was an amazing end to an unbelievable adventure!
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