Friday, September 4, 2020

Birthday 2 - ETHAN TURNS SIX

Ethan's countdown chain was out of links, and it was finally time for Ethan to turn SIX!!! He is growing beautifully, weighing 50.8 lbs (76%) and measuring 3' 10" (59%). He has a big energy to him which can be challenging for the parents, but somewhat endearing for other people...somewhat...

Ethan may have still had virtual school that day, but we found plenty of ways to make the day special. We started preparing the challah dough for Shabbat dinner. Ethan decided to "help." And he, too, had help.

Since it was a rainy morning, we opened the perfect present from Aunt Mandy, Uncle Mitch, Noah and Sam - a hover soccer ball with indoor goals.

(find the cat)

TCDC had baking class and helped make cupcake cones for the birthday party later.

In the afternoon, we opened up cards from loving relatives, a present from Gildens (CHESS!), and prepared for our epic 4-state, 5-city Zoom birthday party operation.

For months and months and months (since WAY before COVID), Ethan had persisted repeatedly that he wanted a "calm-down birthday party." COVID seemed like just the perfect time for that. Mommy sent glitter, corn starch, bottles, balloons, super glue, and other materials all over the country to make sure that all 4 grandparents, 7 cousins, and tons of siblings, aunts, and uncles could participate and made their own sensory bottles and stress balls. In a world where large gatherings are discouraged, we had 21 people from Austin to Houston to Boston to Atlanta and Hollywood, FL!

nationwide success!

After the calm-down birthday party had concluded, our Austin family stayed over for a special Shabbat dinner, starting with sprinkles-challah.

(earlier that afternoon)

Shabbat dinner ended with Cohen classic cupcake cones!

Over the next couple of days, we had more fun with more birthday presents, starting with Botley, the coding robot from Grandma and Grandpa:

Grandma and Grandpa also sent Ethan a guitar cookie cutter and food markers, meaning Sugarfest 2020 continued!

good enough to eat!

After birthday-mania calmed down even more, we found time for Daddy to start explaining the intricate details of Chess:

The kiddos were excited to put together new Lego sets from Gigi. First up - Batmobile!

Gabi and Ethan worked together beautifully to build the 342-piece car.

The new rocketships were exciting new projects also!

Last, but not least, Ethan was gifted a brand-new telescope from Nana and Zayde. We were SO excited to put it together, stay up waaaay past bedtime, and start exploring the night sky:

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