Wednesday, September 30, 2020

(The Rest of) September 2020

In kitty news, Dewey turned TWO YEARS OLD THIS MONTH! He has been in our family for a little over a month now and made himself completely at home here at Chez Cohen. We couldn't take enough pictures to demonstrate this fact.

Dewey's human siblings (and parents) are completely enamored.

Dewey's feline sisters are tolerant.

"Hey, can I hang out with you guys?!?"

"Hmmmmm, no."

"Ugh, fine, but stay on your side."

In other kitty news-

Nikki is ready for work.

Maggie is NOT ready for work.

The most surprising and exciting news of September came right in the beginning when Ethan's school recognized that he wouldn't be the least challenged with the curriculum of Kindergarten and suggested that he be promoted immediately to 1st grade. So he was. And Ethan thought he was pretty much a rock-star.

Speaking of school - Mommy was THE parent representative at the new charter school's Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. There were less than 10 adults there, and it was broadcasted live online to practice safe distancing. Cohen kiddos were thrilled to visit the campus for the first time (and waited patiently pretty far away throughout the ceremony).

We had some lovely weather this month as temperatures dropped below 90s.

Spotlight on Team Cohen's creative spirit:

Ethan's creative resting positions:

Spencer's creative resting positions:

Finding creative ways to support our favorite Houston Torah readers:

With creative guidance from our shul, we made a "gate of prayer" as our entrance to our sacred space on Yom Kippur.

TCDC Month 1 Update

TCDC has now completed its first month in action. Update - Still going well!

It wasn't even sunny.

dynamic duos

my view during "Music and Movement"

short vowel matching with pictures

practicing fine motor skills

TCDC joined IDEA during PE class:

September 24 was Uncle Craig's birthday (aka Shayna and Joey's Daddy). That morning at "school," we baked mint-Oreo pudding cookies to surprise deliver them to the Birthday Boy.

Gotta love a field trip!

Back to work!

repeating pattern units with felt shapes

rainbow-writing our names

The kids claim they're showing their "Incredibles muscles." Aunt Syssa claims this is the promo shot for the new movie about lost children. I claim this is just another Blursday at TCDC.