Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Corona Break with Cousins

Trusting each other's social distancing practices and living 5 blocks from each other, we have created a quarantine pod of sorts with Team Gilden and have enjoyed distracting ourselves with their company.

Having successfully completed 2 neighborhood scavenger hunts, we challenged ourselves to a Rainbow Scavenger Hunt and invited our cousins.

red car

orange flag

yellow flowers

green yard decorations

blue mail sign

pink garden flag

violet flowers

back at Chez Cohen for a beautiful rainbow smoothie snack

Coronavirus Break Continued - Rest of March

Our new reality settled in, and we're only in Weeks 2-3. We probably have months more to come of physical isolation from the routines and places we are used to. Outside of the themed fun captured in other blog posts, here's how we survived.

We are privileged to have so many things, among which is good access to technology and the internet. We have been able to connect with people in creative ways:

virtual dance party with Joey and Shayna (from the perspective of their house)

virtual playdate with Pre-K friends (one of the more entertaining shows I've watched this pandemic)

book buddies with Grandma and Grandpa

If we were all going to be spending lots of extra time together, it seemed everyone needed to start pitching in to do their share.

Our Camp Cohen tent stayed in the garage for a few days before we let the van back in.

Spending so much with family was very exhausting!

Knowing all the neighbors were stuck to themselves and physically avoiding each other on the streets - which is uncomfortable for a social community - we walked to the mailboxes and tried to artistically add some smiles to anyone who would pass by later.

The kids kept up with their creative use of materials in the house as well:




If you can't play with your food on a country-wide lock down, when can you?!

And finally-

finding tiny snails

ice cream picnic in the car (Why not?)

We're still cuddling. We're still smiling. We're doing alright.


Saturday, March 28, 2020

Rainbow Challah

Continuing with the creative use of our time, space, and energy during this time my family calls "The Corona Break," we thought we'd attempt the beauty of rainbow challah. It turned out our hands became just as colorful as the dough, and it was a fun time for all (except for the clean-up crew).

Yes, this was after SEVERAL soapy hand scrubbings.

rising success (colored hand for size reference)

Baking was complete, and it was time for tasting!