Monday, December 10, 2018

Chappy Chanukah 2018

Chanukah, and everything about it, represents joy, gratitude, light, and togetherness. This year was no different! We had 8 nights/days to celebrate, and we got straight to it from the beginning.

Night 1: We broke from our family's tradition and opened presents before lighting candles. You'll see why...

The highlight of the night probably went to Ethan's new guitar chanukiah from Grandma and Grandpa!

Now that we all had the proper equipment, we were ready to light our first Chanukah candles.

(Thank you, Jon, for the fabulous photo of me with my babies!)

Time to eat fried food!

Latke night! Lots of latkes!

Spencer was perfectly happy with the applesauce.

Spencer was happy with his fair share from Night 1. Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa! Success!

Night 2:

Nana and Zayde gifted us some engaging presents
on the 2nd night. Spencer was very excited about his
 new "choo choo!" Ethan enjoyed starting his scenic
design with his new reusable stickers.

The next day - 

Mommy and big kids show off our new Chanukah socks!

Spencer helps set up the chanukiah for night 3.

Night 3:

3rd night Cohen Clan selfie

creative wrapping paper

Aunt Mandy, Uncle Mitch, Noah, and Sammy provided us with a Lego themed night of gifts! We had a 100% satisfaction rating! Ethan had never had his own Lego set with instructions before, so it was pretty exciting.

The next afternoon, we played at a friend's house who helped us decorate "Chanukah cookies." She even gave us candy corn to look like candles.

After Ethan ate all his candy corn prematurely,
we had to get creative.

Night 4:

Night 4's excitement came from Spencer's new microphone that lit up, made LOTS of noise, and could repeat the most hilarious things.

The next morning, Ethan got straight to work on his new "stained glass" art from Nana and Zayde. It was a great independent activity for him that he loved putting together.

In other Chanukah news-
Mommy got herself a present too!

Ethan completed his Spiderman vs.
Scorpion Street Fight lego set!

Night 5:

Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!

Nights 6 and 7 were spent in Houston with Jacob and family for his special birthday celebration. (Well, night 6 was spent driving for over 4 hours in torrential rain with sideways wind in the dark of night...but night 7 was with Jacob and fam!) Night 8 was back in Austin and spent with more family. After their own adventure on night 6 with terrible weather, the Gildens ended up unable to join the celebration in Houston, so we were thrilled to be with them for the last night of the holiday.
bubble wrap -
AKA keeping 5 kids entertained within 2 square feet of space

Somehow, I got distracted by cute babies while Joey and Gabi were lighting their candles and missed that picture opportunity. Ethan certainly didn't mind his time alone.

Post dinner, we made our very own fried sufganiyot!

We started by cutting circles out of pizza dough.

Daddy and Spencer lost focus.

Girls took care of the frying while the boys took care of the topping.

taste testers

yummy success!

We had an extended 9th night of Chanukah for many reasons (not worth explaining or defending), but it got us an extra night with Daddy, extra presents, and this AMAZING family picture. Chappy Chanukah, all!

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