Spencer's nose ran like a faucet most of the month, but that didn't slow down his language development. He continued to piece together words into 2-3 word phrases, sing and dance his favorite tunes, count aloud, and try his best to keep up with his big brother and sister. He assumes he is a big kid just like everyone else, but as a proper up-and-coming 2-year-old, he will let you know right away if he is displeased.
He thinks he's innocent. He knows he's cute. |
not ready for school (but cute) |
super ready for school (and definitely cute) |
peekaboo cutie |
Can you sense the 'cute' theme happening?
Spencer was proud to get himself in the bath (in his diaper). |
This is so so soooo common. But it continues to be pretty entertaining.
The friendly woman who cleans our house asked me this month - "Is Ethan sweet with everybody?!" When he bounced into YMCA one day, the lady at the front desk told him, "Ya know, I love it when you come in because you have a bright smile every day!"
the irony of short sleeves with the fire going in December |
pure bliss (and more bundled) |
For the last 3 months, Ethan has enjoyed once-a-week gymnastics lessons at our YMCA. His session came to an end mid-December.
Ethan helped make pretzel dogs one day for lunch
Yes, it was nap time. Yes, he was supposed to be sleeping. Yes, he was out of his room wearing Ninja Turtle slippers. |
special Daddy-Ethan time |
Your monthly dose of sibling love:
These two boys have such a great bond with each other. This month, Spencer finally started saying "E.T.!"
Ethan has made sure that his love of Wiggles went straight into Spencer's heart in addition to the love of "tah." They often make a stage for themselves by the fireplace or strip it down acoustically on chairs.
all |
the |
time |
The other combos of sibs are strongly bonded as well:
someone you love to kiss him/her at the special keyword. |
travel to the playground |
At shul school, Gabi was honored at Kindergarten Consecration, celebrating the "beginning" of her Jewish education (even though I thought we were 6 years in). She was excited to get her brand new Torah with a cover decorated just for her. She was immediately holding it sweetly and giving her Torah kisses.
We were sad that Daddy couldn't make the celebration, but we were easily distracted by our special new gift and cake! |
proud of her flowers in her hair |
almost 6-year-old beauty |
Daddy volunteered in Gabi's school to help at their kindergarten (reindeer-themed) winter party. He enjoyed a salad with her at lunch beforehand.
There were a couple of unordinary days when Gabi was home on winter break but her brothers were still in school, so she got some special time at home with Mommy and Daddy.
tent in her room |
brunch with Daddy |
helping prepare dough for challah |
Mommy had special big kid time mid-month at Sesame Street Live! Gabi and Ethan seemed very entertained, and I always enjoy watching them enjoy these productions.
I got suckered into 1-and-only-1 giant souvenir (for the not so giant cost of only $5!) that everyone would be able to enjoy at home. |
Texas does its own thing with weather. December in other parts of the country means snow. In Texas, it's time to rake leaf piles.
From fall activities to splashing in the pool, ya never know what December in Austin will bring:
Night out with the Gildens:
We got extra Gilden time when we had the wonderful surprise of running into Shayna and Uncle Craig when exploring the mall one morning. We even got to stay for PB&J lunch.
On Christmas morning, we volunteered with our shul to help bake, package, and deliver cookies to working employees who otherwise may have been home celebrating with their families.
It's always good to have monthly mention of the fur babies that live here too.
Nikki's been enjoying bathroom sinks since she was a baby kitten. |
Gabi thinks it's hilarious to cover Casey with this tiny blanket. And Casey lets her. |
Maggelicious with the E-man |
Nana went a little online shopping crazy this month which filled up Casey and Maggie's daytime nap spot.
On New Year's Eve, we celebrated in Kaye family tradition with ice cream! Happy New Year to everyone.
Someone really really didn't like the fireworks outside. |