Monday, September 3, 2018

Ethan's Musical Mayhem

It was time to celebrate fabulous Ethan turning fabulously FOUR! We stuck with a music theme in honor of the musical bones inside his body, hired a music teacher, organized a musical craft, invited all of his (and our) closest friends and family, and enjoyed a great time together!

We were so grateful that Mira and Jacob (and Aunt Sandi!) drove in from Houston to celebrate with us.

Jacob entertained Spencer while the
adults helped set up the room.

Mira helped Ethan and Gabi make their maracas.

Friends started arriving and went straight for the snacks (those that were calm enough at least).

eating with Maven, Joey, Arthur, and Graham
running in circles with
Spencer and Addi

Miss Julie was ready to start the musical marvel, and the bubbles definitely got the kids' attention.

We asked Miss Julie to plan songs and activities with lots of rhythm and movement, and she certainly delivered.

The scarves were a big hit:

silliness with Maven

Lucas had some musical bones too.

Mommy and her boys

Miss Julie read aloud an entertaining version of The Wide Mouthed Frog (and then let all the kids give hugs to the frog).

With instruments in tow, it was time for a musical parade!

marching drum

Jacob, Spencer, and Bailey

Ethan and Joey marched together.

Shayna may have been casted, but that didn't stop her from having fun.

It was time to sing to the special boy and eat our beloved cupcake cones!

The party was over. The adults were cleaning, but there was still a little more fun to squeeze in.

Jacob and Joey helped Ethan end the party in style.

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