Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May Mayhem

Digital photography is a curse and a blessing to this picture obsessed mother. I take 5 shots of any cute moment, and I can't find it in my heart to delete cute smiles from my babies. Which one do I choooooose??? These are difficult times we're living in. For example:
What you're looking at is after stressful deliberation. Enjoy.

We love playing with friends and having playdates although I don't often capture the cuteness. (No idea what is possibly distracting me.) One night this month, we invited the Hammonds crew over for pizza, Moana, and popcorn. Fun times had by all!

They brought Nora's new class' pet mice to show us.
We were all excited to watch them.

In other friend news, we met up at Phil's Icehouse to celebrate Jessica's birthday!

By the end of May, little Spencer turned 3 months old! He is less of a newborn and more of a baby every day! This month, he showed many more smiles, tracked and watched people from further distances, and tolerated tummy and back time SLIGHTLY more than he had previously. Cute little baby noises are also emerging more than the Spencer grunts of yore.

Here he is nailing tummy time:

Thank goodness for the 'collage' setting I found!

not necessarily rocking those neck muscles, but
certainly rocking the cuteness factor

that time I went to take a picture of my first baby to ever suck
his thumb but he got too excited and flashed a smile instead

With increased body control of his neck this month came the introduction of the Bumbo! Spencer much preferred sitting up to the other options. He can now look around and watch and learn.

Check me out!

breakfast conversation

loving sitting up

Gabi had a lot of fun getting to Spencer to smile at her! Too bad I turned on the camera at the end of the fun each time.

More around the month with Spencer William:

Spencer in all his glory:
At the beginning of the month,
we got grunts and smiles.
By the end of the month, we had some
more happy squeals with the smiles.
sleeping baby noises

I'm not sure where this time is going...

Then comes crazy Ethan who woke up one morning and declared that he wanted to wear underwear like Gabi. I told him that he needed to poop in the potty first. So he immediately called my bluff, walked straight to the toilet and pooped...So he got underwear. He went potty several times that morning, but after 2 accidents, he realized wearing underwear was trickier than he realized. He decided to put his diaper back on. He had fun in the meantime though.

And yes, he's wearing Gabi's sandals.

#outfitbydaddy #cutenessbyethan

yummmmmy cake!
Ethan reads a book about a duck.

This month, Gabi was very sweet and helpful more moments than the moments she was "4". She wanted to help clean up; she wanted to get things for me from other rooms; she wanted to help set the table. "I can get that for you." "I'll do that for you." "Can I help you with that?" She can be quite the angel...when she wants to be...

got her new flower girl dress for
cousin Rebecca's wedding next month!

that time Gabi made her own
fruit salad one morning

the angel herself

being silly with Daddy

Last month, I posted a picture of the results of face painting day at Gabi's school. This month, I can share the process pictures her school shared when she was allowed to experience the fun of face painting herself.

She wanted to be a dinosaur.

pretty sure I'll never get accused of having kids without personalities

In addition to Mira's birthday weekend in Houston, we got to spend a lot of time with Nana and Zayde in Austin on their various trips to visit!

running with Nana
(apologies for the dizzying cinematography)

cute cousins

The beautiful boys of Team Cohen:

Sweet sibling moments:

Post bathtime/shower fun:

Every now and then, I can end a blog post with my fur baby kitten angels: