Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Four Months Old

Gabriella turned FOUR MONTHS OLD, and boy oh boy, she has more tricks than ever! The saliva glands have definitely kicked in, and she is a drooling and bubble-blowing machine.  She can sleep up to 11 hours a night which we are so grateful for! She puts her fingers in her mouth for some great slimy goodness.  She sure knows how to fight her naps, but other than that, she is just a happy, growing baby who amazes us day after day!

The BIGGEST new trick is that Gabi figured out how to roll over BEFORE she was even "officially" 4-months-old. She can roll from tummy to back on the left side OR on the right; she's just that talented! (This video is from May 22, the first day we discovered the new skill.)

Nana and Aunt Syssa came in town to help us celebrate the 4-month milestone...You may be able to guess by now how we celebrated. A special THANK YOU to Grandma and Grandpa for our new, personalized ice cream bowls to use with future celebrations!

The next day, those of us who weren't working (sorry, Jon) went hiking and found 3 waterfalls at Cedar Rock Creek and Grogan Creek.  It was a gorgeous day, great hike, fun company, and wonderful waterfalls!

...And then there's the Old Navy fitting room where everyone just wants to look as cool as Mommy did on the hike.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Catawba Falls

Mommy, Daddy, and Gabi FINALLY stopped traveling for a few minutes and had enough time for an enjoyable hike together to Catawba Falls.  It included climbing up rocks, wading through streams, and jumping over trees...all while wearing a baby.  It was a gorgeous hike, and we really love that we get such beauty and hardly ever repeat a hike!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

More May Moments

In the month of May, our gross motor and fine motor skills continued to blossom.  On her tummy, Gabi can lift her head up pretty comfortably and steadily.  She loves holding and sucking on her toys.  We also got introduced to the Bumbo seat that Aunt Erica bought for this big girl!  She gets more sturdy with her neck each day.

Would you expect anyone else's daughter
to fall asleep with a hippo foot in her mouth?

Gabi loves her toys so much, she has
even started using them to accessorize!

These are said crib naps that look so peaceful in pictures but are still
a slight struggle for Mommy and Daddy.

We were all SO INCREDIBLY proud of Aunt Syssa who defended her dissertation towards her Ph.D. in school psychology at UT.  She did such a stellar and confident job (as we all knew she would), but just to cheer her on, Gabi wore her UT gear to send some spirit towards Aunt Syssa!

And some of Daddy's prouder moments:

Daddy wears Zayde's sunglasses that Nana has
been trying to get rid of for several decades...
I'll let you guess how many decades...


And enjoy these behind-the-scenes looks into Team Cohen:

Who's is bigger?

Ya know, just your typical day in May.

These moments were from earlier in the month of May when we flew to Austin together...but they didn't make it on the blog...and they most certainly should have!