Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Museum of Ice Cream

While Spencer was King of the Castle for a week, he finally got a turn to visit a special place his older 2 siblings have already enjoyed: MUSEUM OF ICE CREAM! Daddy and Spencer filled themselves with sugar, frozen desserts, and lots of fun!

And for all, a good night!

Miscellaneous July

July featured a revolving door of characters. Here's what the rest of it looked like that didn't fit in other featured blog posts. And when I'm not too sure where to start organizing a pile of discombobulated pictures, I usually go towards the fur family.

puzins being puzins

confiscating Bri's usual spot

We started the month with three kids and went downhill from there (or uphill depending on who you ask).

Find the face.

The kiddos love 7-11 day!

(We'll pause here in the blog post to include more Spesh pictures from July.)

Gabi started the month by starring as the Evil Queen in Descendants.

small cast of Descendants (smiling and in "character poses")

proud supporting fans from the audience

celebrating a successful performance

Big girl got braces!

We prepared the night before by consuming as many braces-forbidden gummy candies as we could.

And just as Gabi was about to be dropped off at her 2nd week of overnight camp for the summer, we snuck in a half birthday celebration...

This is 11.5:

Ethan was home for less than half of July and spent the rest of the month at CYJ.

To be proud or not to be proud?

When Spencer returned from a very successful 10 days at CYJ and Gabi from CNZ, we were back to just 2 kiddos.

When big sister left again for a week at sleepaway camp, we were left with this King of the Cohen Castle:

special time with Daddy at the mall

Big guy wanted to sleep in Ethan's bed to feel close to him in his absence.

"Don't I look cool, Mommy?!"

Team Cohen spent time with other fun humans as well this month:

lost picture from CNZ Atlanta Archives

practicing for our bison selfies

Happy Birthday, Aunt Syssa!

Gabi-Daddy date to Footloose

Mommy-Daddy date night to Legally Blonde

Syssa-Mommy date to Footloose

If we ever get all of our kiddos back, we'll realize we have less than 2 weeks left of summer before the new school year starts mid-August!