Sunday, April 9, 2023

Passover in Driftwood

The time of our redemption was nearing, so it was once again time to travel to our home away from home for the holiday of Passover. We were excited that cousin David was returning to join the family Passover celebration (in addition to Dan, Julia, and Aunt Susan) and disappointed to miss our Boston family and Gigi.

Shortly after we arrived, the kiddos wanted to go swimming. Was the pool water warm enough? Not really. Were they wearing bathing suits? Nope. "Sure!" we said.

After snuggles and showers, we got ready for our annual search the house for bread when your house shouldn't have bread in it anymore: Bedikat Chametz.

Bedikat Chametz 2019

Bedikat Chametz 2023   #spesh4eva

Reggie (and the rest of us) were excited that
cousin Dan (and Galel crew) came in for Passover!

Ethan finds creative ways to get in
some last minute chametz.

The next morning, we watched Zayde burn the chametz collected the night before. After that symbolic action, we were not to consume any chametz for the remainder of the duration of Passover.

We were quickly distracted away from the burning bread when a hummingbird got trapped inside the garage.

Ever since Dan's adult cousins started having kids, he has turned himself into a playground for any and all littles. Now, Julia joins right alongside!

Passover with 19 people means food prep around the clock. Good thing we had lots of kitchen helpers!

Spesh trained Reggie using matzah crackers.

Reggie was tired after all the work.

Nana and Spencer got an early preview of what was coming to the seder later that night.

Seder 1 began, and while we did a lot different this year, we had to recognize the traditional differences with Mah Nishtana. I was very proud of Gabi and Ethan who both challenged themselves to learn new tunes to the song this year.

During Magid - when we "tell the story of the Exodus," we packed up our bags from "Egypt" and left the rigidity of the table for more free spirited comfort on the couch. We then dressed up our Moses and played "This is Your Life" with voices from Moses' past. We had a very cooperative Moses, and I only made 1 kid cry this year!

This year, instead of identifying one leader, everyone at the table participated in leading the seder.

Gabi leads 10 plagues.

Ethan explains pesach, matzah, maror, and the seder plate.

Scenes from around the rest of the first seder.

Another day - same 19 people to entertain:

how Aunt Sandi wraps presents


The time had come for the second seder:

Moses once again welcomed a host of characters from his past life to help us remember the Passover story.

Spenceman had not felt like leading, engaging, or smiling the night before. On night 2, he was ready, alert, alive, awake, enthusiastic, and full of helpful participation!

Spencer leads Karpas.

Spencer sings Mah Nishtana.

energizing an otherwise monotonous part of the seder

Apparently, this is how the kids these days "be real."

Around the house for the rest of our time together:

Micah helped Aunt Debbie make matzabrei one morning for everyone's breakfast.

Cousin Dan babysits.

Debbie and Reggie babysit.

It rained A LOT while we were in Driftwood. When it finally cleared after a few days, we were glad for the opportunity to walk outside.

Before we were released back to Austin to live the 2nd half of Passover, we had to contribute towards finishing the frozen treats.

See you next time, Driftwood!

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