Monday, January 31, 2022

January 2022 - 22 Months In

We're 22 months into a worldwide pandemic. To lift the spirits, we'll start this post this way:

Pajama Drama: I believe the motivation here was rocket ship, dinosaur, owl.

January Spenceman:

January E-man:

helping with dinner;
job well done!

Ethan started basketball this month. He definitely has some skill refining to do, but the enthusiasm and energy is perfect.

At the beginning of the month, we celebrated our 1-year Reggieversary and shared some puppy picture recreations to show just how much she's grown. Well, here's a few more inspired by this month's Timehop memories:

January 2021

January 2022

Unfortunately for Jon, Reggie takes up more space on the bed than she did a year ago...

The rest of the animals certainly keep us entertained as well.

cat nap(s)

Last, but not least, 22 months in and COVID broke through the barrier. Gabi tested positive this month, but thanks to the amazing science of vaccines, the rest of us were spared and Gabi only had a sore throat for 37 seconds. It meant a lot of time at home, a lot of extra testing, and a whole lot of ice cream.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

2nd Annual Birthday Bingo Bash

Gabi enjoyed her COVID-friendly birthday party last year that she insisted a repeat! We were excited to bring together our cousins and grandparents from around the country and enjoyed an evening of Zoom fun.

After the physically separated part 1 of the party, Team Gilden joined us in person for cousin's pizza and ice cream cake. Good times had celebrating our favorite new 9-year-old.

Team Cohen smiling and celebrating

Some of the cousins may have been temporarily done celebrating....

Happy Birthday to all, and to all, a good night!

Bingo Bash Outtakes:


Gabi's special weekend continued on a gorgeous sunny day, and we took the team to the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center where they were hosting FORTLANDIA, a collection of custom forts designed to be climbed, built, and interacted with. The tagline, "Your Secret Hideout Awaits" was enough to get us in the park, and the smiles and adventure kept us there for several hours!

While some of us (older than 9) were ready to explore the unique forts that were featured at the park for just a short time, others needed to prioritize the obviously exciting tree swings that are always there.

On to the forts!

That time we saw a roadrunner...on the Roadrunner Trail... It's like it just knew.

Feffer fotography:

Great success!