Wednesday, June 30, 2021

June 2021

After May ended, my (blogger's) thought was, "Thank goodness this will be a slow month so we won't have too many pictures to blog." And then June happened. Well, long story short, here are all the many many pictures that didn't go in any of the other many June albums.

We'll start with some of our 4-legged family, starting with Reggie, the pups.

not a helpful spot unless she's planning on being helpful


Kitten spotlight:

{Note: This was the same weirdo cat and the same not-his dog bed, but 2 different naps on 2 different days.}

Jon and I often joke that our master bathroom is phenomenal because he and I don't have to look at each other when we brush our teeth. Neither do the cats.

Moving on to the 2-legged children who occupy the rest of my photographic energy:

different interpretations of "Go get ready for the pool."

Alyssa recently asked me if I could have imagined calling this kiddo "Fef" when he was growing inside of me. I certainly could not. Nevertheless, he is a Feffer, through and through. (Don't spend any time trying to figure out what that means.)

One day, this little man will no longer fit into these onesie pajamas that he's worn for over
two years that shouldn't fit him anymore but are super darn cute. This was not that day.

We got 2 pairs of cousin bestie pairs:

Are my children required to ask permission before using my phone? Absolutely. Do I feel irritated when I find out that they used my phone without permission? You betcha. Am I secretly amused when I find the following on my camera roll later? (Don't tell them, but yes.)

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Cousins and "Bats"

Mira and Jacob were at CNZ for a few days, and they came up to Austin for 1 night only. We were able to squeeze in Dairy Queen, Cousins Pizza, and the latest night of my children's lives going downtown to see the spectacular event of 1.5 million Mexican free-tail bats emerge at dusk to blanket the sky as they head out to forage for food. Except they didn't do that. I digress.

First up, Nana let us know that she would be at Dairy Queen in 20 minutes. That was all the advance warning we needed.

Next up, our beloved Saturday night tradition of Cousins Pizza! (This time, though, we finally successfully achieved a separate kids and adults table, hallelujah!)

Somehow, my kids found out about the most spectacular and unusual tourist attraction in Austin, Texas, and had been begging for an opportunity to see "the bats." (To their credit, it's a really neat experience...usually.) I suggested that we do it together when we had potentially more interested parties. So, off to downtown Austin we headed, WAY past bedtime, for the promise of a cloud of hundreds of thousands of Mexican free-tail bats emerging from under Congress Avenue Bridge as they begin their nightly search for grub.

The bats don't usually come out until after sunset. So, we set up camp and waited.

And we waited.

And waited.

And the sun kept on setting; the sky kept getting darker. We certainly saw some bats emerge, but it was no sensation as the crowd was expecting.

Aunt Syssa, and the magic of shadow puppets, helped us find our bat, and we eventually headed home, disappointed (albeit with great company).

It was quite a late night for everyone involved (presumably, I suppose, the bats as well).