Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Keeping Them Quarantined

These kids sure do make quarantine, self-isolation, and social distancing look fun! (and easy?) Suuuuure. We kept them busy for the first week of April until it was time to escape the slavery of Austin and venture to Passover "freedom" in Driftwood. More on that later...

Mommy hung up butcher paper all over the hallway, and the kids enjoyed drawing all over the walls, something they'd never be able to do under normal circumstances. These are no normal circumstances.

A Spencer update:

When he's 3, he's 3.

When he's fed, he's happy.

When he's wearing the pajamas gifted to his
big brother at his birth, his mother is amused.

When the boy says, "Take a picture of {insert
whatever he wants here}, Mommy," my biggest
hesitation is to make sure he used a polite word.

Gabi designed and crafted her "G"
bracelet all on her own with the rainbow
loom she got for her birthday.

It's nice when they get alonglylike!

If they can't go to shul, they'll bring the Tot Shabbat to home.

One day, it was cold rainy. Yet, we still wanted to go outside. So I told Ethan to put on his boots, and we found some puddles.

(I poured a few inches of water out of each boot by the end of the experience.)

When school is closed, and you're worried about too much screen time, you bring the kids to the nature channel. We spent a long time talking about nature's garbage disposal one afternoon as we watched vultures tear apart their feast of a dead squirrel on the road.

How to do spring cleaning and win at parenting at the same time:

Keeping busy with crafts:

Other continued creative means to keep them busy and happy:

virtual dance party with cousins

Gabi learns to type.

Entertaining the masses during self-isolation:

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