Monday, January 28, 2019

Gabi's Birthday - The Best of the Rest!

Gabriella Daphna turned SIX years old on January 28, 2019. She is reading above grade level, thinks like a scientist, has lost her first tooth, enjoys making other people laugh, and can challenge my emotional patience more than anyone I've EVER met. If we both survive this journey, she's gonna be one heck of a lady.

We celebrated Gabi throughout the weekend with lots of love from special people, special events at special places, and special food! Two distinct parties are captured in their own blog posts, and this post is dedicated to the rest of the fun surrounding her great big birthday bash.

We woke up Sunday morning, ready to bake cupcakes for Gabi's birthday party later that day:

Later in the afternoon, when the cupcakes had been baked and cooled, it was time for icing. And LOTS of sprinkles.

Before our Sunday afternoon Lego party, Team Cohan swoops in to surprise the Cohen kids and join in the celebration.

Team Cohan gifted Gabi "Me: A Compendium," and Mira and Jacob helped
enthusiastic Gabi start filling out her new book with all important Gabi details.

AFTER the Lego party, we kept the family fun going at a restaurant with a playground outside.

playful cousins on playground

We were so grateful that Jacob, Mira, and Aunt Sandi squeezed in some celebrating with us!

Some folks found non-playground ways to pass the time while waiting for our table to be ready.

Monday morning January 28th arrived! Gabi had picked out her "happy" shirt to wear and picked out the hairdo she wanted. (We just had to wake up first.)



Before school, Gabi was allowed to open up ONE present. This special present just happened to reveal the HUGE surprise that she's going to Disney World in 2 weeks with Mommy and Mira!!!

Later that afternoon, Birthday Girl Gabi got to treat her Kindergarten class to some donuts!

Just when you think we've done enough special things for a special girl, Nana and Zayde surprised Gabi by buying her a brand new big-girl bike! She picked the perfect one that looks like it has sprinkles (!) on it. She was very hesitant at first, insisting on many adult hands holding her steady. She then gained confidence and was rolling off on her own. (Taking off training wheels is a goal for the near future.)

Back at home, Gabi was very excited to try out her new set of wheels in the 'hood.

gift givers with a grateful and excited gift recipient

Spencer also found someone
to help him on a bike ride.

Meanwhile, Ethan and I were making a
surprise banana cake for dessert that night.

We opened up several more presents which included lots of fun new games. Nana, Gabi, and Ethan played a riveting game of Monopoly Junior (from Gigi).

Gabi planned the whole menu for her birthday dinner including "chicken on the bone," purple rice, and [unpictured] corn on the cob. We were glad to enjoy the yumminess with Nana and Zayde!

One more special treat means one more 'Happy Birthday' song for Gabi.
Spencer wishes Gabi a 'Happy Birthday!'

Happy Birthday, beautiful and special SIX-year-old!

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