Thursday, May 31, 2018

May 2018

Houston happened. Graduation happened. Florida happened. Here's what happened in between. (And yes, it seems this is a very Spencer-heavy post. At least blog-stalkers can't criticize me for ignoring the third kid.)

By the end of the month, big man was 15-months-old and ready for his weigh in. He is remaining entirely consistently petite, measuring 29.5 in. (5th% up from 2nd!) and weighing 19lb 9.5 oz (8th%). Spencer spent the first half of his 15th month refusing to sign, insisting on using his 2 consonants to communicate all needs, and then FINALLY, we got signs of language! As in, he FINALLY started signing! "More" and "please" entered our signing vocabulary this month.

(Imagine video of him beautifully signing here.
We do not have said video. He really doesn't
like to sign as much as he'd rather shriek to get
what he wants. But it's there, we promise!)

Spencer began showing interest in the Magna Doodle he got for his birthday. Each time, he takes it down and crawls on top of it. Sometimes he even draws with it, but usually, it's a really funny chair.

In more fine motor growth, he can open markers, which - when supervised - can be a good thing.

When ignored, it goes differently.

In gross motor achievements this month, Spencer discovered his love for going down slides and his ability to do so independently. Does that mean he can go down stairs himself? Yes. Does that mean he wants to? No.
yes to slide
no to stairs
ALWAYS to being center of attention

Catching water is quite the challenge apparently.

At 14 months, I decided his inconsistent morning naps meant that he could survive the morning awake, Mommy could return to gym classes, and we could resume a new-normal morning of activities...Spencer wasn't so sure.
He just couldn't make it some mornings.

Evidently, my children are used to me taking flashless pictures on my phone. When I was playing with the settings on the "real" camera, it turns out the flash was quite entertaining.

Gabi begs to keep seeds from red peppers, apples, etc that we cut open so she can grow her own bushes and trees. This month, we obliged, and she's very hopeful for her red pepper bush she's expecting to sprout behind the backyard shed.

My girl and her love of "Take pictures of me," this month in bed:

Note to self: Don't leave 3 children alone brushing teeth and assume they'll stay in the bathroom...and clothed.

I seriously never know what will happen when I walk away from my children.

(I noticed it got a little too quiet downstairs.)

What was once 4 babies has now grown into a group of 9 cuties, some babies and some almost kindergartners. It's been fun growing up together!

For your smiling pleasure:
What's a kid to do while big bro and sis are in class?
(copyright @therealgabicohen)

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