Thursday, April 5, 2018

Playful Passover

One of the most important aspects of the holiday of Passover is the opportunity to teach our children to ensure that the story is remembered from generation to generation. We worked hard to prepare our kids in advance to make sure they would be good and ready for the upcoming seders.
cousins work together to prep
getting ready and rocking out

On this holiday of Pesach, we are told both to remember our slavery and move on to freedom. We do not wallow in our memories, but learn from them to inspire us to act in our freedom to set others and ourselves free....True to theme, we first started by experiencing the defeat of slavery with over SIX hours of waiting in the Austin airport, waiting waiting waiting to be set free on a flight to Atlanta...

All three kids were, in fact, phenomenally
well-behaved, which saved a long day from
turning into a complete disaster.

Alternating between electronic babysitting and food purchasing, ice cream showed up around hour 4.

With many hours to kill, we found some live music to enjoy. We were disappointed when the performance was over but were delighted when the guitar player surprised us by coming over to our table to sing a personal rendition of "You are My Sunshine" to us.

These two boys were just too darn cute together. THANK GOODNESS for resilient children.

Spencer spent the majority of the delay willing himself to become a walker before our eyes.

We FINALLY made it on an airplane, and we could smell freedom coming our way.

Freedom tasted even better with the free booze offered to counter the ridiculously long delay.

Being the only "little cousins" on our first day in Atlanta, we got a lot of extra attention. We enjoyed some outside play time with Gigi.

Sweet lover Ethan didn't really understand how to be gentle with his 93-year-old great grandmother.

Gabi helped in the kitchen as the crew was starting on some Pesadic desserts. She couldn't believe cousin Dan let her mix cookie dough with her hands. And when Aunt Susan let her taste the strawberry "ice cream," she was starting to really enjoy being on kitchen staff.

At night, we observed the time-honored tradition of searching the house for chametz. Gabi was ecstatic that she was the "biggest cousin" and got the elite honor and responsibility of holding the candle. Ethan wore the frog headband to provide inspiration, and we were ready to search!

ALL of our cousins arrived by the next morning! After some early morning baseball practice, it was time to burn the chametz collected the night before.

the next all-star lineup!

Safety first!

While the kitchen crew was busy preparing for seders, the cousins had other things to do.

Gabi and Sammy found a lot of entertaining activities to keep them busy.

squeezing in a last bit of chametz

Preparations are done. Now it's time to get everyone looking good and ready to celebrate!

While all family members cleaned up pretty nicely, no one was looking quite as festive as a few males who had a bit of fun with hair gel. Even Zayde had the Passover spirit.

Team Cohen was looking ready!

We lit the candles, and off we went!

Scenes from Seder 1:

Many children sweetly sang "Mah Nishtanah" including proud, beaming Joey and dynamic duo Jacob and Noah.

Spencer enjoyed his spot in the corner much longer than any of us expected him to.

1 seder down; 1 to go! And one full day of family fun in between.

Many cousins enjoyed outside time together at a playscape down the road from Nana and Zayde's house.

getting alongly-like

Jacob and Gabi learned the sacred art of making egg creams.

big family get togethers = big family pile-ups

Sweet, baby whisperer Mira was in charge of these 2 cuties.

As is traditional (for us), 2nd seder night means smiley happy people taking family pictures, and the smiley happy people did not disappoint.

4 generations full of mishpacha

NINE beautifully happy cousins

Gigi with her 2 babies

Aunt Susan with her 2 babies, David and Dan

Team Cohen (who's baby still doesn't want to pose calmly with his siblings)

Team Cohan

Team (Boston) Kaye

Team Gilden

Scenes from Seder 2:

Ethan's 2nd Night Mah Nishtanah
Gabi agreed to sing Mah Nishtanah with some help.

Uncle Mitch helped Ethan sing about finding the Afikoman.

Aunt Debbie led the crowd in a rousing "We're gonna leave
Egypt!" chant, inspired by "Going on a Bear Hunt."

After the "little kids" went to bed, Gabi joined the ranks of the "big kids," staying up a little later to do special things.

feeding new solids-eating Shayna

massive memory game with Jacob and Noah

With seders behind us and family still with us, there was more fun yet to be had.

7/9 ain't bad.

Uncle Jon and Shayna share a moment.

Spencer and Joey share a moment.

Gabi makes a chocolate cake with
cousin David.
Happy, walking Spencer enjoys this new
mode of transportation.

Ethan attempts to teach Joey the ways of the "Wiggles."

With Gildens and some Galels still with us, we ventured to Morgan Falls Park in Sandy Springs for some gorgeous outside entertainment.

early morning story time with Uncle Craig

pretty darn funny rocking toy

Back at the ranch:

8 months apart, practically the same size, super cute together

Why does Joey let Gabi do this?

We said "See you soon" to the Gildens, and then we got Nana and Zayde to ourselves!

Spencer had become a big Nana and Zayde fan (FINALLY).

showing off the front AND back sides of the masterpiece Nana and Gabi built together

In addition to visiting the Marietta Fire Museum (see other post), we enjoyed our remaining time in Atlanta and kept busy!

my beautiful daughter who obviously shies away from attention

that time Jon and I were twinsies

family time at East Cobb Park

tearing apart Nana and Zayde's bathtub

It was time to head back to the land of Texas, and we may have had some tired babies after over a week away.

A couple of days after returning, on our very last day of Passover, we still had a little bit of spirit left in us:

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