Sunday, November 20, 2016

Aunt Erica

We are always grateful (at least Debbie is?) when Erica comes to visit her Texas family and sneaks away to Austin to catch up with Team Cohen! Although there were some travel snafus trying to keep her from getting to us, Erica persevered and made it after all!

After dinner with the family, Jon put the kiddos to bed so Erica and I could do what we do best-
sit in one place for endless hours of time and chit chat.

After breakfast the next morning, we head to a playground for a bit before we have to say goodbye from our short but sweet visit.

Aunt Erica snuggles!

Erica's dad (aka her ride) is ready to leave Austin. We meet up with him at a restaurant when it's time to go. Yes, he looks like Santa Claus. Yes, he had chips and salsa. Yes, my kids were immediately comfortable taking his food.

Nailed it!

It's time to leave for real, and we say goodbye in the only way we know how:

Aunt Erica left music cards behind to replace one given to newborn Gabi that no longer works. While #sometimessmartmom wasn't able to capture the true excitement of the initial opening the night before, we were able to capture some good moves and good 3-year-old drama to say 'Thank You.'

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