Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November 2016

With another baby on the way, I gotta think of ways to get the house to work more efficiently. Commence 'Operation Kitchen Kids':


Just keep scrubbing.

How does it taste so far?

These cousins LOVE each other. SO. Much.

They're happy, AND they know it.

(In other bath-time news:)

cousins cuddle

I find myself asking this little boy daily "Why are you SOOO two?!" Nevertheless, he is sooo cute. (...and he knows it...)

"titah" three ways


After over a week of cloudy, rainy days, the skies cleared and we were finally able to enjoy gorgeous fall weather.

Kids of many talents:
November 2016

(November 2014 for your reminiscing pleasure)

getting some exercise

This boy is SO talented, he can play guitar on ANYTHING. (This month's new additions were baby carrot and macaroni- not pictured.)
How good it is to sit together.
saving for a rainy day

I love these two!

hanging out at the mall

trying on Mommy's boots

This girl has sass and personality, well beyond her 3.5 years!

showing off some Texas sass

how we (literally) roll

playing with her food

challenging herself to a game of Blokus

And we'll end the month with good oral hygiene practice and a sound education of the reproductive system:

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Nana and Zayde came to Austin for over a week of Thanksgiving fun! We spent much time with Team Gilden as well, and Aunt Sandi joined us for the weekend. We did so many fun things and ate so many yummy things that we were too busy to take pictures most of the time. Here's what was captured.

I've tried to tell Joey that following his crazy big cousins
into a confined space isn't wise, but alas, he wants
to be just like the cool kids.

thumbs up to yummy food!

How much outside time can we squeeze into some gorgeous weather?

Another night, another yummy meal (and dessert)!

showing off the pumpkin muffins

Aunt Syssa selfie

Another day, another playground:

looking for tadpoles in the stream

bedtime books

baby bestie Nora joins us for fun and food

Some more togetherness at the end of the week.

We were so lucky that Zayde stuck around EVEN longer to help take care of the youngest Cohens so Mommy could enjoy a weekend with the adult females in the family.

He got to watch one of her swim lessons!

enjoying some Kosher deli before having to separate ways

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Aunt Erica

We are always grateful (at least Debbie is?) when Erica comes to visit her Texas family and sneaks away to Austin to catch up with Team Cohen! Although there were some travel snafus trying to keep her from getting to us, Erica persevered and made it after all!

After dinner with the family, Jon put the kiddos to bed so Erica and I could do what we do best-
sit in one place for endless hours of time and chit chat.

After breakfast the next morning, we head to a playground for a bit before we have to say goodbye from our short but sweet visit.

Aunt Erica snuggles!

Erica's dad (aka her ride) is ready to leave Austin. We meet up with him at a restaurant when it's time to go. Yes, he looks like Santa Claus. Yes, he had chips and salsa. Yes, my kids were immediately comfortable taking his food.

Nailed it!

It's time to leave for real, and we say goodbye in the only way we know how:

Aunt Erica left music cards behind to replace one given to newborn Gabi that no longer works. While #sometimessmartmom wasn't able to capture the true excitement of the initial opening the night before, we were able to capture some good moves and good 3-year-old drama to say 'Thank You.'