Tuesday, June 2, 2015

D.C. & Sachs-Brody Wedding Weekend

With Jon's cousin Rachel getting married on Memorial Day weekend, we had a great excuse to fly up to D.C. to have a great family-filled weekend! Traveling with 2 young kids while staying 4 days in a small hotel room proved quite stressful (shocked?) but we were really grateful for the valuable visits with so many people that we had.

We traveled up on Thursday afternoon to give us an extra long weekend with time to visit with extra family.

Everyone was in good spirits headed into the trip!
(Until Gabi pressed the 'flight attendant button' by accident,
and the lady didn't appreciate that.)

Friday morning, we visited with my Grandma (Gabi and Ethan's Gigi). We ate a scrumptious breakfast and found a fun playground where Uncle Howard also joined us to play. (Aunt Claire joined us for lunch, but I was enjoying the company too much to remember to take any pictures then.)

Uncle Howard showed up with bubbles! How did he know?! He won Gabi over in an instant.

We are so grateful for Gigi's love and energy and were very glad to spend this lovely morning together.

rockin' out

Friday night, we were welcomed (by inviting ourselves over) to Uncle Dennis and Aunt Sharon's house for Shabbat dinner. Gabi took some time to adjust to the puppy, and Ethan was quite cranky and clingy for 80% of the time SO despite a lovely visit (for us, the adults), the following few pictures will have to suffice as a representation of our visit. We appreciate the time and effort of our cousins Mark, Brian, Zack, and Sharon (who fought a lot of traffic and came husbandless with 2 young kids) to see us!

Uncle Dennis with his youngest (for now) great-nephew

Ethan and (2nd) cousin Abby

Cousin Mark with Ethan

Saturday morning, we head to the National Zoo and were so excited to meet up with Uncle Jason, Aunt Alana, and cousins Ashlyn, Landon, and Rylan. We see them very infrequently, but after 2 minutes of shyness, Gabi really enjoyed cousin time as usual! The big cousins were really sweet about showing Gabi the animals, taking turns pushing Ethan's stroller, and Landon really wanted to make sure Ethan could see everything too.

My babies at the end of the zoo visit:

After napping in the car on the way from the zoo back to the hotel, we were energized and had some time to dip in the pool before getting ready for Saturday night's festivities. The kids had a great time, and Daddy and Grandpa were brave enough to get in! (Yes, I was the wuss.)

Ethan had a grand ol' time splashing around VERY happily with Grandpa.

On Saturday night, we went to Rachel and Ben's Rehearsal Dinner at Maggiano's. We enjoyed catching up with lots of extended family members and once again, shared sweet moments with our cousins on Daddy's side (and that's what the pictures show)!

Gabi and Ethan's oldest cousin Ashlyn took very good care of them
and was very sweet to figure out how to quickly bond with each.

Landon really wanted to sit next to cousin Ethan at dinner.

Ethan gives my nose some wet kisses, and it makes us both laugh.

When was the last time this picture happened? 2 brothers sure looking like they're friendly :)

Rylan plays 'peek-a-boo' with Ethan.

Uncle Jason holds Ethan.

You wouldn't know it by the pictures so far, but theoretically, we were in town for a very special wedding. (We were just lucky to squeeze in other great visits too!)

Gabi and Mommy at a park before it's time to get ready for the festivities.

Beautiful bride Rachel walks down the aisle with
Aunt Tricia and Uncle Howard.

Jon dancing sweetly with Nanny.

Grandma and Grandpa dance with their 3 oldest grandchildren.

The wedding took place at the same hotel where we were staying,
so I nabbed Gabi from the babysitter for a little bit of dancing. She was not amused.
She was promised pizza. Gabi's dancing did not last long.

Uncle Jonathan dancing with Rylan

Debbie dances with Bonnie.

Rebecca's return to the blog! And perhaps Joe's debut?

(Jon took a brief video of me dancing with Bonnie.)

Team Cohen knows how to clean up nicely...but then forgets to take a picture of it until after we've been dancing and become sweaty...

Rachel and Ben and all of Rachel's paternal cousins

sweet moment with Nanny and ALL of her sweet grandchildren
(Jennifer, Vincent, Chelsea, Brittany, Benjamin, Rebecca, Nanny, Rachel, Ben, Jonathan, Jason)

On Monday morning, Gabi and Ethan play in Grandma and Grandpa's hotel room before it's time for breakfast. (Ethan thought 5 a.m. was a suitable wake-up time most mornings on the trip.)

Well, at least Grandpa looks awake!

Oh the things we can learn from our grandparents...

And we're rollin'
Rollin down the hallwayyyyyy

At breakfast on Monday morning we spend time with family before everyone heads back their way. For the first time all weekend, Ethan decides not to be clingy and bond with other family members!

Ethan enjoys his time with Grandma and Uncle Howard.

Aunt Gail and Uncle Harris join in on the Ethan love.

cousin Chelsea

cousin Vincent

cousin Jennifer

Now that we're destroying hotel property,
it might be time for us to go.

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3 - How did that happen?!

What do you do with extra time in Washington D.C. (a fantastic, free, historic, engaging city) with 2 young kids who could care less?

Drive around and see the sights while they nap in the back.

"The Airplane Museum"!

Gabi makes Daddy proud.

Ahhh the joys of trying to take touristy photos with an apathetic toddler!

Our nation's capitol building is apparently getting some work done.

So which way do we go?

At the end of the day on Monday, we make it to the airport. We're ready to rock and roll and get this flight back home!

We had awesome flight attendants and pilots, letting Gabi sneak a peak into the cockpit. (Apparently 'bunny ears' are back in?)

And THEN the crazy storm hit- bringing lightning that kept shutting down the ramp, preventing us from taking off, and grounding us on the plane for over an hour. My champion kids did great, thank goodness!

And THEN every flight in the airport got cancelled because there was hail in the area and all airplanes needed inspection. Enter chaotic travelers and stranded Team Cohen with 2 babies, no food, no car, no crib, no hotel, oy yoy yoy.

I was so proud of my amazingly beautiful kids who were the silver lining to the entire mess and behaving remarkably well!

Tuesday arrives and we FINALLY get to go home! We were INCREDIBLY grateful to Uncle Howard and Aunt Tricia (the parents of the bride who had just hosted an eventful weekend themselves) for hosting us as we were stranded for the night, even picking up a pack n' play for Ethan from a family member!

We try to keep our spirits up despite Gabi sitting in a puddle of water, spilling applesauce all over me, having the screaming baby on the plane this time, dealing with the travel drama that we've already dealt with etc. etc. etc...

trying to make it home in one piece

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