Sunday, August 3, 2014

Baby Shower

We had several amazing celebrations for our family when Gabi was born, but having never been pregnant before, I had never had a "baby shower" before. And being that I'm not the traditional girly girl, a FANTASTIC group of ladies got together to organize and plan a not traditional not girly amazing afternoon to help us celebrate baby brother's upcoming arrival. It was incredibly special to me and made me more happy than I think people realized.

It baffles me to realize that I've only lived in Austin for 1 short year and have such sweet friends who are this caring and thoughtful. I did not get a picture of all amazing ladies who came that afternoon, but endless Thank You's to everyone!

This is the lovely group of great and gorgeous ladies who organized and advocated on my behalf to make sure that it was such a special event for me. Thank you SO much to Lo, Becca, Alyssa, Lauren, and Stephanie! I could not have asked for a better shower.

Sandi shows off the greeting at the door.

The planner girls understood that I did not want to open presents in front of my friends, so they asked the participants to bring unwrapped clothes and hung them up as adorable decorations in the house.

Who doesn't love to look at tiny baby boy clothes?!

Mor shows off the delicious Debbie-friendly smorgasbord of food stocked with fruits, veggies, cheese, crackers, sherbert punch, and mint-oreo covered cupcakes!

So much thought went into the planning that my friends wrote their addresses on Thank You card envelopes to make everything as easy for me as possible.

Becca shows off the craft onesie table where several friends decorated unique shirts for this baby using fabric and glitter pens.

Lauren works on her creation and was also the
gracious host of the party AND master-mind
behind the preparation of the onesie project, and
a LOT of thought went into it. Thanks, Lauren!

Kathleen gets ready to get to work.

I'm very excited about all of these personalized, cute clothes to bring home!

I was extremely grateful to lifelong BFF Mor for coming in town for the weekend to be with me to help us celebrate. She made a cute cute "Hug Me" onesie, but may have gotten slightly distracted and took a nibble on the baby bump in the process.

In addition to having great friends at the shower, it was really special to have family with me as well! My mom flew in from Atlanta; Sandi drove in from Houston; and Alyssa was jet-lagged from an Italy vacation.

SISTERS :) - If you don't get the second picture, don't worry about it...

Megan and Kate come in with their little ones.

Many Mommies braved bringing their cuties along.

The baby friends had great playtime!





me and Mor

me and Amira

me and Lo

me and Becca

showing off the 35-week-old fetus that I've worked
hard to grow so that we can have this celebration

Back at the home front, Jon enjoys his part of the celebration...

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