Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Action

"April Action" is an appropriate title for this month's post as Gabriella is moving, and she's moving fast! The 15-month-old will decide on her own time when she's ready to let go and take her own independent steps, but for now, she can go everywhere and anywhere she wants to. She can get up; she can get down. And this month, she became stable enough to walk with the help of just one adult finger. Will next month be the month she lets go??

Her language also continues to develop beautifully. She babbles more than ever, and her babbling surprisingly sounds like real words (but aren't). This month, she started using several new signs and will ask for "more please" without prompt. She can sign milk, water, more, please, thank you, help, all done.

Gabi is most certainly turning into a little toddler, throwing tantrums if she is the least bit frustrated and being pickier about the foods she allows herself to eat (and then throwing the unwanted food on the floor). While those fun times can be super frustrating for her parents, she continues to dazzle, smile, laugh, and charm her way into everyone's hearts and keeps us entertained throughout the day.

At Gabi's 15-month check-up, she weighed in at 21 lb 6 oz, putting her in the 53rd%, and she measured at 31" long which is in the 67th%. She continues to grow beautifully, as long as we can get some food in her from time to time.

Gabi is becoming quite helpful around the house. She helps with the recycling, both putting in and taking out:

In other attempts to be incredibly helpful, Gabi has offered to help empty the dishwasher. (Mommy had to quickly grab the camera to take the cute baby pictures before gently reprimanding her that climbing into the dishwasher is not ok to do...)

As long as Gabi was offering her services, we thought we'd take full advantage:

We went to the Thinkery one afternoon with Gabi's friend, Jax, and these 2 lovebugs flirted away!

"artistic"(?) shadows of our cute little family walking together

showing off our amazing package from Uncle Harris and Aunt Gail

The empty bathroom cabinet, once discovered, became one of Gabi's favorite new spaces.

These are professional pictures taken at Jared and Marni's wedding from last month, but they made it to the blog a little late.

Your kitten fix for the month. We still love them too.

And some sweet moments from the month captured on "film":
Surprise surprise, Ms. Independent wants to start feeding
herself with a spoon. She's getting there!
Someone didn't get to see inside the cabinets
like she was used to.

Giggle Monster
Mommy Monster Meets the Giggle Monster

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