Monday, November 18, 2013

Mommy and Daddy's Anniversary

As of November 18th, 2013, Jon and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. I would say this has been the best year yet with the gift of Gabi being introduced to our family! We can't wait to celebrate many many more happy years together as our family continues to grow.

We were very fortunate that Jon's schedule was switched around and he was given the day off so that we could all be together. The fun started at Kosher deli as requested by Jon. Gabi, getting MUCH better at her solid foods, tasted her very first Kosher roast beef...and her second...and her third...She liked it!

We drove to McKinney Falls State Park for a "hike" (more like a walk on a paved trail, but we had the backpack so we're counting it as a hike)... We had gorgeous weather, even saw some fall colors which was a treat in Texas! It was a lovely time spent together. Here are some pictures that captured some sweet moments:

ready to go as soon as I can figure out how to get this stuff on!

enjoying the ride!

Thanks SOOO much to Becca and Seth for watching the beautiful princess so we could go out and enjoy a quiet dinner together! Here are Gabi and her friend Nora playing at Nora's house while Mommy and Daddy are out:
"Miss Becca, my Mom doesn't make me eat. We just play, I swear..."
girls sharing nicely together

Team Cohen selfie :)

Happy Anniversary to US!

our yummy dessert!

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