Sunday, March 24, 2013

Celebrating the Jewish Life of Gabriella

We were incredibly blessed to celebrate Gabriella's Jewish life with over 20 family members, including 4 grandparents, 1 great-grandmother, and all aunts/uncles and cousins on Mommy's side.  We were so grateful to family who extended their Passover "vacation" to join us at a Mikveh and naming ceremony.

Sleeping Gabi served as the receiving line and welcomed all incoming guests.

Grandma needed a moment with Gabi as they hadn't seen each other in OVER a month!

Mommy was way more nervous than Gabi to do the "dunking."  While all three Rabbis on the beit-din assured me that we would both survive as had all other mothers/children they'd witnessed, I was still the only one in the room who was going to drop a 2-month-old in a pool of water (TWICE!).  Alas, we both survived; everyone shouted "MAZAL TOV," and we were so proud to welcome Gabriella into a Jewish life and all the history, traditions, and meshugas it comes with!

Once all parties were properly dressed, everyone joined us back in the chappel for a beautiful naming ceremony.

Gabriella was placed at the center of Debbie’s tallit.  Just as Debbie was wrapped in this tallit when she entered the Jewish covenant at her Bat Mitzvah, Gabriella was wrapped in this physical representation of her commitment to the community of the Jewish people. As each of the four corners was folded around Gabriella, enwrapping her, an honored grandparent read a verse about God's shelter and protection.

We were additionally honored that Gabi's great-grandma, Gigi, represented Gabi's 4 living great-grandparents and read a prayer for Gabi.  Gabi's aunts and uncles also expressed prayers for Gabi.  Cousin Mira did an amazing job reading a poem about little girls, and cousin Jacob led us all in Hamotzi.  It was a wonderful ceremony, followed by a delicious seudah!

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