Thursday, March 28, 2013

2 Months Old!

Big girl Gabriella turned 2 months old while we were visiting Nana, Zayde, and the whole mishpacha in Atlanta! At her 2 month doctor's appointment a few days later, we learned that this "preemie" (yeah right!) is 10 lbs, 10 oz (almost DOUBLING her birth-weight!) and 22 3/4 in long (putting her at the 40th and 42nd percentiles in each! She was at 10th percentile in weight a month ago.). She continues to get chunkier. Her cheeks and legs are running out of space, so now the chunks are moving down her arms and into her fingers.

This cutie is still showing more amazingly adorable smiles, but they're still not quite deliberate. We take them when we get them, though! Her great muscles continue to develop too. Not only does she lift her head from side-to-side (old news), she is starting to lift her chest too. Her neck control continues to amaze us (as does anything she does...).  Zayde claims he witnessed her first roll over, if you believe it with no evidence or other eye-witnesses.

Here are some pictures taken on her 2 month birthday:

I like big booties, and I cannot lie!

As it should be, we celebrate Gabi's milestone with "ice cream"; Passover is no exception! This "ice cream" is affectionately called "pink glop."

4 generations of great women: Gabi, Gabi's mommy,
Gabi's mommy's mommy, and Gabi's mommy's mommy's mommy!

Gabi did great with her Gigi!

Aunt Syssa came to the party too!

Daddy made an appearance.

Throw in a GREAT Uncle and GREAT Aunt to add to the fun!
Uncle Dennis and Aunt Sharon had a great time getting to know
their newest GREAT-niece!

Got tickets to the gun show?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Time of Our Liberation

Come join us on a photo-journey of Gabi's first Passover! It was also the largest collection of family members that Nana and Zayde had ever hosted. This Passover was especially meaningful for us as we reflected on the themes of the holiday. Here is an excerpt of the naming program we read one day earlier: 
"As we prepare to start celebrating Passover, the Time of our Freedom, it is especially appropriate timing for us to welcome this beautiful daughter into our family. Our difficult journey over the last few years often felt like a personal enslavement. It is comforting to think of this time of year as the reliving of the first and original redemption from suffering. Not just a redemption from physical or even spiritual slavery (though of course it was that as well), but a redemption from mental sadness and depression. May it be God’s will that this Passover mirrors the very first one; a redemption from the isolation of depression and the relief of suffering as God has removed us from the negative place."

Highlights from 1st Night Seder:

Mira and Jacob lead Maggid.

Uncle Craig and Aunt Syssa as "slaves" bang their hammer as they work, Work, WORK!

Mira lets Gabi help her hide the Afikoman.

Cousins Sharon and Pete snuggle with Gabi.

gotta love that expression

cousin Noah

Sharon and Pete's big boy, Ryan

Highlights from 2nd Night Seder (including the traditional family portraits):

Judy and Don Kaye with descendants

Adele Leff and descendants

Kartzovnik descendants

Team Cohen

Mira decided that Team Cohen would play the part of "frogs" on the 2nd Night.