Saturday, September 30, 2023

September 2023

September means birthday season, High Holiday season, getting used to school season, start of football season, start of baseball and soccer season, and it is still CRAZY HOT in Texas season! We'll start with the excitement of Gator football season:

Sports fun with the CohGil pairs:

Speaking of CohGil love:

We celebrated 2 Cohen birthdays this month. Ethan's fun was captured in other posts, and Mommy was recognized too.

We squeezed Uncle Craig's birthday in there too!

Spencer's shirt was modified to read, "I like my UNCLE" very much.

Both Spencer and Ethan had opportunities to help their classes learn about Rosh Hashanah. I was very proud!

Zayde stayed in Texas after the holidays, so we got some extra time with him.

Soccer and baseball started this month, and our sports superstars were ready to go!

Cohen crazies getting alonglylike:

Momma's fur babies:

Reggie got a new water dispenser. It had bubbles and was therefore terrifying. Wuss.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Ethan Turns NINE

Ethan had a big celebratory weekend celebrating his last single digit birthday.

The night before Ethan's birthday, Sandi and Mira revealed their big birthday surprise!


On September 4, 2023, Ethan's special siblings were eager to give him the presents they chose for him, and he was enthusiastic to receive them!

The Cohen Crazies collaborated on an instrumental rendition of a celebratory song:

Ethan opened and put together a new baseball rebounder from Nana and Zayde.

In the afternoon, Team Gilden joined us for ice cream cake.

Then, Uncle Craig took Ethan to pick out his brand new baseball bat from Team Gilden.

And last, but certainly not least - after a weekend FULL of celebrations, we sang one more time and treated the big 9 year old to a special lunch at school. Ethan has a heart of gold and cares deeply. He continues to grow beautifully, standing at 4' 3.5" in (32%) and weighing in at 60 lbs 4 oz (39%).