Sunday, February 28, 2021

Feburary 2021

February was 25% Fool's Spring, 25% Winter Apocalypse, 25% Winter Chaos Recovery, and...Spencer's Birthday. Here's what you may have missed:

Reggie is every bit a part of our family as we work hard on the puppy training. This 4-month-old has doubled her body weight since she joined us, captured our hearts, and become a part of the everyday circus.

Who's training whom?

She snores.

Reggie got all her puppy shots this month and got to join us at the park for the first time!

Our other fur friends are here too!

More fly-on-the-wall perspective of Chez Cohen:

"How did you get marker on your face?" "I don't know..."

ladybug challah

I have lived with my co-workers for a year now.

When it's quiet upstairs for too long...

exercising our creative spirit

exploring with Spencer's newly gifted fort building kit

matching brothers bedtime story time

super jumpers!

We ended the month with 8 hours with extended family in Driftwood:

Reggie's first Driftwood walk!

definitely social distancing

Friday, February 26, 2021

Purim 2021

Purim 2020 was the last in-person Jewish celebration we celebrated with community last year before everything shut down. A year later, we celebrated in a hybrid fashion, participating virtually one night and attending our first in-person event in a full earth's revolution.

Before we got too ahead of ourselves, we needed to get in the holiday spirit, of course, by baking hamentashen!

For fun, we filled a few hamentashen with crushed mint-Oreo cookies. Spencer decided to fill his mouth (and cheeks) with what was left.

Out of the oven and ready to try!

On Erev Purim, we dressed up, sang songs, shook some groggers, and celebrated online the way we've been celebrating online for a while.

The next day, we brought our entire family to the shul for the first time in literally a full Jewish year for an in-person Purim/Shabbat picnic. All families were required to stay separate, but when someone miscounted numbers of spaces, they knew which 2 families to pair together...

This pink unicorn was there to safely extend Purim greetings to the masses.

Purim gives us a chance to celebrate by acting a little sillier than usual. This holiday fit us just fine.

The unique timing of Purim this year allowed us to transition and welcome in Shabbat right at the end. It was nice to simply dance and celebrate with a community without screens and devices, something I never knew I'd long for.