Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 2017

Happy New Year, Team Cohen fans and stalkers alike! We've made it to 2017. Gabi's made it to 4. Ethan made it to school. I've made it to 36 weeks gestation. Wins all around!

Sliding fun with Daddy:

This month in "Good Times with Cousin Joey:"

raisins picnic

His mother didn't used to let my kids do this...

Cousins bath and undressed children never get old.

Good times with Joey and Uncle Jon:

A little clouds and drizzle didn't stop us from hanging out with some ducks and geese.

Ethan is developing into quite the little man. He stares at tot services but comes home and sings every tune. He has LOVED starting school, and he is going to make a sweet sweet big brother in just a few weeks. Here is a spotlight on the goofball:

I imagine this is how most 2-year-olds sit at the color table:

Super Gorilla

I imagine this is how most 2-year-olds help cook dinner:

At the end of January, big girl Gabi turned 4-years-old. She can flatten herself like a pancake in a moment of frustration, but she can also take incredible pride in cleaning an entire room of toys. The social butterfly shares her snacks and games beautifully and loves playing with friends. Gabi wants to help Ethan with what he's doing and wants him to participate in her games and activities (yes, albeit bossy). She has an incredible love of learning with a sponge for a brain that retains letters and their sounds, numbers, information, and so much insight into her world around her. Her fine motor skills are getting more complex too with drawn pictures resembling objects and the beginning of sounding out words to attempt prewriting. Birthday fun is posted elsewhere, and here is the fun she had during other parts of the month.

Gabi has been in swim lessons for 4 months now, and we are so proud that she can float on her back AND tread water without assistance! She also rocks at jumping into a hoola hoop apparently.

This month in "I choose my own clothes:"

"Mommy, sometimes my head gets cold when I sleep."

Then, there was the morning when Gabi dragged her comforter to our bed to "go back to sleep."

THEN, mean old Mommy made her drag it back before nap-time.

Gabi got pattern blocks from Team Gilden for her birthday. Not only does she love them, but somehow they inspired some independent time in Ethan as well and a few moments of peace for us!

Before the month ended, we made sure to squeeze in some gorgeous outside time.
The pure joy of bubbles never gets old.

Gabi was really excited and proud to offer some snacks to share to the trash helpers.

Countdown to added Team Cohen choas: 1 month!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Gabi's Gymnastics Party

Starting early to celebrate Gabi's birthday combined with an entire weekend FULL of family celebrations still wasn't enough fun apparently. We headed to The Little Gym and filled it with Gabi and Ethan's closest friends and had a glorious time! (Gabi absolutely hated most moments when there was organized attention on her, but luckily the rest of the moments were thoroughly enjoyed.)

hanging out with Sivan

Cousin Joey clearly enjoyed his first gymnastics party.

Gabi and Ethan were a little slow to warm up to the dancing...

Once the noodles came out, the party REALLY got going!

Super friends unite!

having a blast with school bestie Julia

We played a game called "Smack the Cheese." Gabi was unsure about it at first but then loved it...Ethan, not so much. Joey, on the other hand, thought it was HILARIOUS.

We get time to do some obstacle courses around the gym.

Gabi and Nora enjoy the party, each in her own way.

Boys being boys:

Uncle Craig helps Joey swing.

Graham on the bars

Jonah hamming up the beam and camera

The kids get to jump across the inflatable blue thing. I'm sure it had a better name for it, but they didn't care. They were invited to sit on it while it inflated. Some loved it; others did not.

Then, as before, we all got to sit on it again, but this time it went DOOOOOWN.

blowing out candles on her lego cake

At last, we head to the party room for lots of yummy treats.

Cupcake cones!

We had a bunch of cupcake cone fans:

Birthday Girl


Joey knows what he's doing.

Time for goodbye hugs and high 5's and we're off to the next adventure. We appreciated all of our friends who came together to celebrate Gabi's birthday with us!

hug for Addi

post Wesley high 5