Monday, November 30, 2015

November 2015

Happy November! November is the month of Adoption Awareness, Thanksgiving, our Anniversary, and fun family visits - much to be grateful for!

A brand new indoor playground (Catch Air) opened just down the street from us, and not only is it the closest one to us, but it is FANTASTICALLY creative and one of the best activity centers for young kids I've seen. We just LOVED it! We were much too busy for the most part to take pictures, but I got a few...even though Ethan looks less than thrilled in some.

one of the great features of Catch Air

You're only as happy as your least happy child.

For a few days at the beginning of November, Gabi got into a worrisome behavioral funk- MUCH worse (in my opinion) than a "typical" 2.5 year old...It lasted almost 5 full days...until I bribed her with stickers and candy. Then my beautiful girl came back!

Gabi was pretty excited about the day she had a "shiny horse" AND a purple bow to match her shirt. It doesn't get too much better than that.

Being just a couple short months away from turning 3(!), Gabi is as expressive as ever and can be anything from an extraordinarily delightful, inquisitive, thoughtful, focused, helpful, funny, and sweet little girl to a compulsive, impulsive, screaming, tantrum-ing threenager with no self-control. Fun times over here at the Cohen household!

the angel

building a fort on a rainy day

My daughter is a genius.

Was I planning to take pictures of the shaving cream activity? Nope. Did I already have pictures of this activity from last month? Yes. Did Gabi demand that I "take cheese on your phone"? Yes. Once I had the cute pictures taken, did I need to share them? Definitely.

Aunt Sandi's birthday was in November too!
Sending her some love. :)
Have patience, and sit down for a great rendition
of The Green Eggs and Ham.

Big Boy Ethan turned 14 months old and isn't slowing down! It's a challenge to keep him fed, BUT if you can, he's a happy walking machine. His play is getting slightly more focused, and he has more attention when listening to books read aloud. He continues to sign and talk to express and communicate, and his receptive comprehension continues to impress. He can follow simple instructions, and he gives hugs and snuggles to make your day much brighter.

Beautiful sweater knit by Aunt
Sandi before Ethan was born and
FINALLY ready to wear!

digging for treasures

What kind of sleeping position
is this???

some fine motor goodness
some giggle goodness

Ethan is GREAT with a spoon and fork and often
prefers the utensils to help him finish a meal. Try
to catch it on camera? Nah, he'll poop instead.
Ethan shows off some great talking skills.

Mommy and Daddy get in the pictures too (sometimes)!

Our kitties are still cute and loved and are deserving of well-earned blog time:

Now that Aunt Syssa is home on maternity leave, we got to spend some time with her and growing baby cousin Joey.

tummy time twinsies

early smiles

Happy 8th Anniversary to us! A huge thanks to Aunt Syssa and Uncle Craig who tackled 3 kids under 3 years to help us enjoy a date together. Ethiopian yumminess and Kinky Boots!

getting alonglylike

Have pajamas, babydoll, milk bottle, and boots - will travel.

We had good times this month at jumping playgrounds:
jumping Gabi
jumping Ethan
jumping munchkins

Ethan flies
Who just jumped?

two exhausted boys

3 out of 4 ain't bad. See you next month!