Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 2015

I used to think a baby turning SIX MONTHS was a HUGE deal...and I still kinda do, but for whatever reason, our 2 children chose the shortest month of the year to do the MOST growing, and Ethan has only turned FIVE months. 

In February, Gabi no longer uses a pacifier to sleep, sits at the table and not a high chair, AND transitioned out of the crib into her great big girl bed! She's growing up a little too fast for us.

In February, Ethan finally figured out how to roll over in any which way (and loves exploring the ways his body can turn), FINALLY started napping in the crib (!!!), got his first TWO teeny tiny teeth, AND started eating solid foods!

Just for fun, we'll start the post with an ode to the kitties. (I am fully aware that this ode to kitties also includes the babes, but alas, at least the kitties get SOME attention...)

Brook is ready for her diaper change.

Maggie lets Gabi get prettttttty close...

Mommy-Maggie selfie

stare off

'What is that thing, and I should grab it, right?'

These pictures are making me realize more and more that Nikki
doesn't hang around the babies (or her kitten sisters) too much...

February 26, 2015 - Maggie turns 8 (human) years old!

We'll continue the post with big man and his big accomplishments. February 4th, 2015 - Ethan Robert turns FIVE months old!

At 5.5 months and sick of poor sleeping habits, we decided to try to get some solid foods in him.

first taste


don't think so

ok, gimme gimme gimme

The next day, big sister Gabi gets in on the feeding fun:

holding his own sippy cup like a (drenched) champ!

After being SOOOO close to rolling from back to front, Ethan finally got himself rolling over in February which gave him access to reaching more things! I tried many times to record it on camera and FINALLY got it towards the end of the month.

And since big girl Gabi started sleeping in her big girl bed, she no longer needed the crib in her room. She helped Daddy take it apart.

....which meant we needed to install a lock on her door. Once again, Gabi happily helped Daddy with the job.

It was a gorgeous morning on February 10th, so bubbles, fun, and pictures ensued.

Now that we can roll, we can find leaves, toys, and our feet!
Having learned a lot from our experience with Gabi's OT, we
were very motivated to make sure Ethan grabbed his feet...which
has led to his early mobility...which we will most likely regret...

running after bubbles

fun with Daddy!

bubble fun with Mommy

These 2 cuties are loads of fun (that is, of course, when Gabi doesn't realize how difficult life is for a 2-year-old and Ethan isn't reminded that he's a baby with needs no one understands). Enjoy more of the month's worth of adorable-ness captured in photos!

Yes, this is exactly what it looks like.
Yes, Gabi is putting lipstick on her brother.

loving my view at the grocery store

Gabriella Daphna:

showing off her Ocean City shirt

kooky kid

ready to go shopping

dressed up for services

playing with birthday balloons

on a walk with Mommy

bubbles in her hair at a
birthday party

"I can't hear you;
I have a banana in my ear."

Living the dream: eating chicken
on the potty in the living room.

Ethan Robert:

looking smooth in high fashion attire


an early love of great literature
sweet Ethan giggles
(stay tuned for a brief guest appearance mid-way)

He just can't help showing off the cuteness;
it comes too naturally for him.

just chillin with his favorite bath toy: the orange 'Q'

(2/21/15) Fun at the playground:

Enjoy the following sequence of pictures. Gotta love these kids with personalities!

(2/28/15) Twas an icky day outside, and our friends were busy. So this happened:


super dad!

Thanks to Lo for sharing these pictures of Gabi and Kemper and their playtime fun this month!