Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gabi's First Halloween

Gabi's 1st Halloween means we get to dress her up in a CUTE hand-me-down lion costume for the obligatory pictures and take pictures of her next to a pumpkin....and that's about it. When Jon asked if we were going to take her trick-or-treating, I looked at him and asked, "Do YOU want candy?" at which point I reminded him that I fill up our candy bowl with our tastes in mind...

One day this cutie will join the world and enjoy collecting candy from strangers. Until then, we have the cute token Halloween pictures to show! (And there is certainly no shortness of cuteness! Can you even handle it?!)

Happy Halloween!!!

tail and all...

And just for fun:

Monday, October 28, 2013

9 Months Old

Big girl, Gabriella Daphna, is now 9 months old! She plays independently, is super communicative with engaging conversations, and develops new tricks every day. Gabi has finally decided that she is frustrated by objects out of her reach, so we'll see if anything develops from that. Gabi's Grandma asked a question that I ask myself every single day: "How can a beautiful baby get more and more beautiful?!"

At her 9 month check up, big girl weighed in at 19 lbs 14 oz, putting her at the 75th percentile in weight and measured in at 28 inches putting her at the 50th percentile in length. Gabi is growing beautifully!

Here are some great pictures from her photo shoot and other pictures/videos captured towards the end of October:

You can't resist pictures of a sleeping baby!

She is starting to sleep a little more on her tummy.

Zoom in on that cuteness!

We love swinging at the park!

Ode to Gabi's Aunts and Uncles:

Go Lewis and Clark Pios!
(Uncle Craig's alma mater)

Mo' Aunt Mor from MO please!

Looking cute in Aunt Syssa and Uncle Craig's
gift from their Costa Rican honeymoon!

When we weren't able to go on our afternoon walk one day because it was raining, we decided to sit in Mommy's car trunk and watch the rain fall.

Got laundry?
(Grandma pointed out that Gabi doesn't need any fabric softener
because she's already super snuggly!)

all the ladies

Having gotten jealous of her parents getting their new glasses this year,
Gabi decided to join the 4-eyed club!

pure cuteness!

Here are some videos to show some cute noises Gabi can make now. She makes some amazing noises with her lips and with the help of a special finger. You can hear some consonants too if you try really hard!

After Nana and Aunt Sandi left from their visit, we were done with the pull-out sofa and (in theory) could fold it up to put the play room back together. Maggie and Brook had their own plans in mind. After a couple of mornings like this, I think they were mocking me.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Family Fun in October

With several individual excuses to be in Austin for the weekend, we had a lot of great visitors. We had a Nana, 2 aunts, 2 cousins, and an uncle!

Cousins Mira and Jacob joined Aunt Sandi in Austin since their uncle was getting married over the weekend. We knew we were being treated to an early Thursday arrival so that we could play together on Friday, but we had no idea HOW early they would be. They showed up and surprised Team Cohen before we even had to go to the airport to get Nana.

Why so serious?

Gabi loves playing with her big cousins!

Pretty sure her big cousins love her too...

On Friday, we explored the Austin Zoo. We saw lots and lots of neat animals, and we loved seeing them up close!

...even the monkeys

special aunt and special uncle time!

Nana even bought us food so we could feed the goats!

Sandi tries to kiss the goat.

The goat rejects Sandi.

Goat gives in.

Yay, Daddy!

Even Gabi had fun petting and feeding the goats. Although in Gabi's case, the goat had more fun nibbling on her hand than the food.

Cousins pictures!

And now for some great shots captured by photographer, Mira:

pretty in pigtails!

Back at the ranch, we had to say Goodbye to Mira and Jacob...which means Aunt Sandi gets Gabi all to herself!

On Saturday, Alyssa and Craig joined us at the Texas Book Festival. Many in the group had experienced and enjoyed the Book Festival before, but never before with a 9-month-old. All hands were on to help entertain the baby while the adults were being entertained by the authors.


At the end of the weekend, we said Goodbye to Aunt Sandi and went out with Uncle Craig and Aunt Syssa who gave Gabi her first taste of Fro Yo. Not only did she like it, she liked the CHOCOLATE flavor. As anyone who knows me understands, this was not a proud moment for Mommy.

Gabi tastes Fro Yo